News • Science & Tech
GNOME bans Manjaro Core Team Member for uttering "Lunduke"
"Lunduke" has become the "He Who Shall Not Be Named" of Big Tech and Open Source
July 23, 2024
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The GNOME team has censored -- and deleted the account -- of the maintainer of Manjaro Linux GNOME Edition.

Why would GNOME take such a drastic action for a person so important to the packaging and distribution of GNOME software?

Because that Manjaro Linux GNOME Edition maintainer... dared to post a link to an article published by The Lunduke Journal.

How to Get Banned from GNOME in 1 Easy Step

On July 21st, The Lunduke Journal published an article entitled "GNOME Ousts Elected Board Member in Secret... and Tells Nobody for 2 Months" -- covering the expulsion and banning of GNOME Board Member, Sonny Piers.

That article was then posted by Mark Wagie -- a member of the Manjaro Linux Core Team, and maintainer of the Manjaro GNOME Edition -- to a GNOME forum post, relevant to the topic.


Screenshot of the post prior to deletion.


Within roughly 1 hour, that post was flagged and hidden...


Screenshot of the post after it was hidden.


Shortly thereafter, the post was deleted entirely... as was Mark Wagie's account.

That's right.  GNOME deleted the account of a Manjaro Team Core Member, and a GNOME package maintainer.  All because he posted a link to an article that had the name "Lunduke" on it.

From Mark Wagie:


"Today, I dared sharing your article on the GNOME Discourse forum in the Updates to the GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Roster topic. It didn't take long before my reply was flagged as spam and hidden. My account was also deleted with no communication whatsoever. I was able to take screenshots before my account was deleted.


A fellow Manjaro forum user told me he messaged the GNOME Discourse Moderators and 'questioned the wisdom of banning the Manjaro GNOME maintainer from their forums.'"


This is, without question, incredibly peculiar.  Banning a prominent contributor?  All because he posted a link to an article relevant to a topic being discussed?

An article, I might add, that nobody has objected to based on the facts.

Is the leadership of GNOME so afraid of the truth of their actions being exposed, that they resort to banning anyone who simply links to articles about GNOME?

Or, perhaps, is the GNOME leadership filled with so much hatred and fear for all things "Lunduke" that they are willing to cut off their own nose to spite their face?

He Who Shall Not Be Named

Here's something truly crazy: This isn't the only instance of people being censored (and banned) from portions of the GNOME project for uttering the name "Lunduke"... this week.  This is simply the most ridiculous example.

While it's true that the GNOME Foundation operates with a high level of secrecy -- often ignoring members of the press entirely -- they appear to reserve the bulk of their animosity for anyone who dares to mention articles or shows from The Lunduke Journal.

And they are not alone.

Leadership throughout the Big Tech and Open Source world have hard "Do not mention Lunduke" policies -- with some within the Open Source industry regularly screaming, bullying, and threatening anyone who dares to link to The Lunduke Journal.

One prominent Linux distribution even went so far as to add automatic censorship to their forum -- which instantly changed the word "Lunduke" to "violates forum rules".




Likewise, members of the Fedora (Red Hat) Linux Marketing Team speak openly about the need for hard censoring anything related to "Lunduke".  (The Fedora Marketing Team also likes to call Jewish men "Nazis", apparently.)




The fact is... they fear the word "Lunduke".

Why?  Because, when you do shady things, the truth makes you look bad.  Wikipedia, Red Hat, The Linux Foundation, Google, Microsoft, and, yes, even GNOME (and so many others).  They fear the truth.

The Lunduke Journal reports the truth.

All of which has resulted in "Lunduke" becoming the Big Tech and Open Source equivalent of "Voldemort" or "Beeltejuice".  Should that name be uttered a little too loudly -- or, perhaps, three times in a row -- Lunduke will appear and wreak havoc.

And, you know what?

I'm ok with that.

Because here's a fun secret about being "He Who Shall Not Be Named"...

Everyone instantly knows exactly who you are talking about.

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Be sure to subscribe here at to get all shows & articles (including interviews with other amazing nerds).

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February 09, 2025
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The Great Tech Demographic Survey of 2025

There are a lot of questions we don't have good answers for.

  • Do Trump voters prefer EMacs or Vi?
  • Who is happier with their life... people who use Tabs or Spaces?
  • Does your age impact your choice of Web Browser?
  • Who is more likely to support censorship... Rust Programmers or C Programmers?

Do you know the answers to those questions?  No, I don't either.

Let's find out.

The Great Tech Industry Demographic Survey of 2025

This survey is massive -- containing questions on everything from Operating System preferences to religion and politicsProgramming languages and... workplace discrimination.  It even gets into Cryptocurrency and Text Editor preferences.


  • All answers are 100% anonymous (no account is needed), no email address is collected.
  • All questions are optional (only answer the ones you feel comfortable with).
  • The questions are all presented in random order.
  • All of the (anonymous) results will be published.

The 2024 edition of this survey (last year) was taken by over 7,200 people across the entire IT industry -- an absolutely massive sample size (larger than most US Presidential Election polls).  For this new 2025 survey... we're aiming even higher.

Are you a computer nerd?  Do you work in the IT industry?

Set aside a few minutes and take the 2025 survey.

Then tell everyone about it.  The more people who take the survey -- across as many companies and communities as possible -- the better the data will be.

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February 03, 2025
Fund Indie Tech Journalism. Lifetime Subs & Discounts available for 48 hours.

February is upon us! And — would you look at that — thanks to all of you, The Lunduke Journal is already fully funded through the end of February!

That means: We can continue to have zero sponsors, zero advertising and, even more importantly, zero influence from Big Tech.

Now. How amazing would it be if The Lunduke Journal could reach our funding goals through the end of March… almost two months ahead of time? Pretty freaking amazing. And absolutely doable.

Let’s do it.

Through Tuesday (February 4th), we’ve got a handful of discounts on Lunduke Journal subscriptions. Take a look. A huge thank you to everyone who has already subscribed — you make this all possible.

Every penny goes towards keeping truly independent journalism alive.

Lunduke Journal Discounts

For the next 2 days (through Tuesday, February 4th), in addition to regular subscriptions, you can grab two limited discounts:

  1. Discounted Lifetime Subscriptions (scroll down for details)

  2. DRM-Free, MP4 Downloads for 2024 & 2025 (combined) for 55% off.

There many ways to support The Lunduke Journal. Choose the option that makes you smile. It’s all listed below.

Where to grab a Monthly or Yearly Subscription:

These are regular price. But still awesome.

Lifetime Subscription Details:

  • Pay once, full subscription for life (on Locals, Substack, or both).

  • Available only until Tuesday, February 4th. Then the Lifetime Subscription option goes “back in the vault”.

  • Can be purchased via Locals, Substack, or with Bitcoin. Chose whichever works for you. Scroll down for steps.

Where to buy a DRM-Free, MP4 video yearly download pass:

Want to be able to download every show The Lunduke Journal releases (and watch them on whatever device you like)? Yeah. You can do that.

The Famous Lifetime Subscription via Locals:

The "World Famous Lunduke Journal Lifetime Subscription" is exactly what it sounds like. Pay once and get full access to The Lunduke Journal (with all the perks of subscription on Locals). For life.

New Lifetime Subscriptions are available, for $200, from now through February 4th. Then this option goes "back into the vault".

Here's how to grab one of these coveted bad boys for yourself:

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  2. Select "Give Once".

  3. Enter "200" into the amount field.

  4. After checking out, Lunduke will toss you an email once your account is set to full lifetime status. (This usually happens within a few hours.)

The Famous Lifetime Subscription via Substack:

You can also snag a Lifetime Subscription via Substack:

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  3. After checking out, Lunduke will toss you an email once your account is set to full lifetime status. (This usually happens within a few hours.)

If you would like full, Lifetime access to (which is included):

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  2. Email “bryan at” with the email address you use on both Substack and Locals (can be different email addresses).

  3. Lunduke will toss you an email once your account is set to full lifetime status on Locals.

The Famous Lifetime Subscription (with Bitcoin discount):

And, finally, you can obtain a Lifetime Subscription via Bitcoin. Save a few bucks with this option, as Bitcoin processing has fewer fees associated with it.

  • Make sure you have a account (a free account works just fine).

  • Send $190 worth of Bitcoin (or more) to the following address:


  • Email "bryan at" with the following information: What time you made the transaction, how much was sent (in Bitcoin), and the email address you use (or plan to use) on

Once again, thank you. The Lunduke Journal would not be possible without your support.

You rule. Seriously.


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January 13, 2025
Last 24 Hours: 55% off DRM-Free MP4s, & Discounted Lifetime Subscriptions

Holy guacamole, Batman! We are now over 80% of the way to our funding goal… for the end of February. And it’s not even half way through January! I am absolutely gobsmacked.

Want to help push us over the 100% line — and directly fund the truly independent Tech Journalism of The Lunduke Journal?

Lots of options. Big and small (and all amazingly helpful). Scroll down & choose whatever works best for you.

Lunduke Journal Discounts

For the next 24-sh hours (through Tuesday, January 14th), in addition to regular subscriptions, you can grab two limited discounts:

  1. Discounted Lifetime Subscriptions (details below)

  2. DRM-Free, MP4 Downloads for 2024 & 2025 (combined) for 55% off.

There many ways to support The Lunduke Journal. Choose the option that makes you smile. It’s all listed below.

Where to grab a Monthly or Yearly Subscription:

Lifetime Subscription Details:

  • Pay once, full subscription for life (on Locals, Substack, or both).

  • Available only through Tuesday, January 14th. Then the Lifetime Subscription option goes “back in the vault”.

  • Can be purchased via Locals, Substack, or with Bitcoin. Scroll down for steps.

Where to buy a DRM-Free, MP4 video yearly download pass:

Want to be able to download every show The Lunduke Journal releases (and watch them on whatever device you like)? Yeah. You can do that.

The Famous Lifetime Subscription via Locals

The "World Famous Lunduke Journal Lifetime Subscription" is exactly what it sounds like. Pay once and get full access to The Lunduke Journal (with all the perks of subscription on Locals). For life.

New Lifetime Subscriptions are available, for $200, from now through January 14th. Then this option goes "back into the vault".

Here's how to grab one of these coveted bad boys for yourself:

  1. Go to

  2. Select "Give Once".

  3. Enter "200" into the amount field.

  4. After checking out, Lunduke will toss you an email once your account is set to full lifetime status. (This usually happens within a few hours.)

The Famous Lifetime Subscription via Substack

You can also snag a Lifetime Subscription via Substack:

  1. Go to

  2. Select the “Lifetime Subscription” option.

  3. After checking out, Lunduke will toss you an email once your account is set to full lifetime status. (This usually happens within a few hours.)

If you would like full, Lifetime access to (which is included):

  1. Make a free account on

  2. Email “bryan at” with the email address you use on both Substack and Locals (can be different email addresses).

  3. Lunduke will toss you an email once your account is set to full lifetime status on Locals.

The Famous Lifetime Subscription (with Bitcoin discount)

And, finally, you can obtain a Lifetime Subscription via Bitcoin. Save a few bucks with this option, as Bitcoin processing has fewer fees associated with it.

  • Make sure you have a account (a free account works just fine).

  • Send $190 worth of Bitcoin (or more) to the following address:


  • Email "bryan at" with the following information: What time you made the transaction, how much was sent (in Bitcoin), and the email address you use (or plan to use) on

Nice and easy. Lots of options.

Once again, thank you. The Lunduke Journal would not be possible without your support.

You rule.


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