One of my super-powers (apparently) is writing words which burrow into the brains of many nerds... driving them slowly insane.
Tech Journalists, Software Developers, Project Managers... even your average computer nerds are susceptible to my wizardly words of wickedness.
And, because I have to see their linguistic detritus, I am now going to subject all of you to the insanity which they spew.
I present to you: "Crazy Tech People Who Hate Lunduke - Part I"
Yeah. Part One.
Fair Warning: I've censored some of the more offensive words in the following screenshots. But, just the same, their declarations aren't exactly clean and wholesome.
We begin with Thom Holwerda, the editor of He recently posted this delightful gem over on Mastodon (a social network filled with people who are definitely very well adjusted *wink wink*).
"Hey Lunduke," I hear you asking. "Could you provide us a single screenshot that gives us a glimpse into the minds of the average Tech Journalist?"
Curious why certain "Tech News" sites refuse to cover Lunduke Journal articles (no matter how massive the news)? I think this helps to explain it. This is how they see people.
Also... nEaT caPITaLizATioN, DudE!
The creator of GLIMPSE (a fork of GIMP) recently published this regarding my coverage of Mozilla and Firefox.
I'm going to go ahead and quote that. Because it's awesome.
"If you're angry at Mozilla because Bryan Lunduke said mean things about them, then as someone whose previous project was torn apart after one of his videos called it a "woke fork", I kindly invite you to go [CENSORED] yourself."
Apparently I, Bryan Lunduke, single handedly "tore apart" an entire project (the GLIMPSE project, I assume) by simply mentioning it.
I'm going to be honest with you... I had completely forgotten that project existed. But, according to the project founder, I "tore it apart" with my word magic.
Not gonna lie. Feeling pretty powerful right now.
Wonder which project I should mention next...
elementary OS
Here is a -- definitely very sane and reasonable -- post from the founder (and currently sole employee) of elementary OS (a fork of Ubuntu). That post is entitled "Assault, death, transphobia, etc".
I'm not 100% sure... but I think he's saying I... took out a hit on him? Like... in a mafia movie? By... posting an article about computers? And if someone else shares the link to that article... that person is now part of... that hit? Or something?
Or maybe my words are like that VHS tape in The Ring? You know... you read a few of my words then a creeply lady starts crawling around your laptop before you die?
Well. Either way. You heard it here first, folks. Sharing links to my words is, like, literally murder. The future is weird!
Rent free, baby!
What have we learned today?
- My words drive Tech Journalists to mADnEsS.
- I can "tear apart" open source projects with two words.
- If you share a link to my words, you are comitting murder.
One thing is also clear: They can't stop talking about me... my wizard words compel them.
In fact, it's gotten to the point where people are issuing "Stop reposting Bryan Lunduke Challenges".
If past performance is any indication of future performance... that challenge will end poorly. Especially after I write up some more of my Black Magic Words of Wonder.
Wonder what we'll learn in Part II?