We all know -- thanks to the leaked "Allyship Kickoff" presentation -- that there has been a significant racist, anti-White movement within Red Hat (and parent company, IBM) over the last few years. One which has had at least some level of support from Red Hat & IBM leadership.
But how pervasive are those anti-White views throughout IBM?
Now, thanks to new material -- leaked to The Lunduke Journal via brave whistleblowers -- we are learning that not only has "Diversity & Inclusion" training been forced upon employees... but IBM hosted book clubs for such racist works as "White Fragility", by Robin DiAngelo.
Note: The following is a small portion of a leak containing well over 100 Slack messages and emails from within IBM. The Lunduke Journal is carefully documenting and vetting each item prior to publication.
Mandatory Diversity & Inclusivity Training
The following 2020 internal IBM email, from Sheri Bachstein (current CEO of The Weather Company, owned by IBM), states that:
"I have developed a Diversity & Inclusion Learning Plan for all Watson Advertising and Weather employees. Every two weeks, you will receive new learning activities that you must complete."
Note the usage of "must". This was not optional training.
Screenshot of the full, internal email announcement:

What, exactly, is the content included within the "Diversity & Inclusion Learning Plan"? That remains to be seen. But, if the previously leaked, related content is any indication... it likely has to do with promoting anti-White racism.
Lest we assume this was a one-off or a passing whim, here we have a follow-up email from the same Vice President were she reminds employees that there is a deadline to complete the training:
"Diversity & Inclusion Learning Plan page is updated with the materials for Learning Phase 3. Please complete these materials by Friday, July 24."
Followed by an instruction to log their compliance within a "personal learning" time tracking system.

Anti-White IBM Book Club
Thanks to this whistleblower, we have also learned that internal IBM Slack channels were setup to host a book club where the famously racist "White Fragility" by Robin DiAngelo was read and discussed within IBM. And using IBM resources.

Anti-White, corporate sanctioned presentations. Mandatory "Diversity & Inclusion" training. Company book clubs for racist, anti-White books.
Add these leaks sent to The Lunduke Journal, to other leaks sent to O'Keefe Media Group regarding IBM's discriminatory hiring practices...
And a clear picture is forming of the inside of IBM and IBM subsidiaries.
More Material Being Reviewed
This is just the tip of the iceberg -- The Lunduke Journal has over 100 files, from IBM, to review and publish in the days ahead... in addition to documents from other Big Tech companies.
A few notes:
- The Lunduke Journal is adamant about protecting the identities of whistleblowers.
- Content leaked to The Lunduke Journal is carefully vetted prior to publication -- and representatives from the related companies are regularly contacted for comment (even if they don't like to respond).
- Whistleblowers from Big Tech companies can contact Lunduke directly via email (bryan at lunduke.com).
Once again, thank you to the brave whistleblowers who have sent screenshots and documents.