In August of 2020 -- just 4 months after Linux-giant Red Hat officially became a part of IBM -- a presentation was given, within Red Hat, entitled "Allyship Kick-Off".
The Lunduke Journal has received a full copy of this presentation, via a Red Hat / IBM whistleblower who wishes to remain anonymous. What follows is a collection of some of the slides and quotes.
The Speakers Notes within this Powerpoint slide deck are fairly extensive, allowing us to know some of the specifics said by the presenter. A sampling of those Speaker Notes are included as well.

Let us begin... with the opening slide.
For those curious: "B.U.I.L.D." is an acronym which stands for "Blacks United In Leadership & Diversity". And, as the presenter states, it is fully supported by leadership at Red Hat / IBM:
SPEAKER: "I thank the leadership team for their support, faith, and trust."
The entire presentation is structured like a religious indoctrination. Beginning with "ALLYSHIP COMMANDMENTS" right at the start.
A literal "10 Commandments", primarily focused on the evils of "White" people. Such as:
- "WHITE people are responsible for dismantling racism"
- and "only WHITE people are racist"
SPEAKER: "Reverse racism does not exist and we [White people] have all the power."
According to Red Hat / IBM, this graphic illustrates how "WHITENESS" works as some sort of cycle.
There are, according to Red Hat / IBM, three key portions to this "WHITENESS" cycle:
SPEAKER: "I want you to think about whiteness as a sociological construct, because systemic racism was birthed directly from it and is fed by it, all day, every day."
Both the slides and the speaker notes drive home the fact that White people are evil, with evil motivations.
SPEAKER: "We [White people] are the oppressors because we feed and thrive on power at the expense of other races."
Note that this presentation, from IBM / Red Hat, makes it clear that they are talking about all White people. Not some. Not a few. All. And that no "Non-White" people carry these negatives.
SPEAKER: "We have divided people by race through privileges for white people, and violence and oppression for everyone else."
The presentation also spends significant time discussing the idea that what "White" people have... is gained primarily (or entirely) through theft, and "White erasure", of "Black" accomplishments.
Black people have an achievement. White people steal it and "erase" the Black people. This is repeated over and over again.
One of the examples given is the following statement:
SPEAKER: "Beethoven was Black"
Followed by the following recommendation to Red Hat / IBM employees:
SPEAKER: "If your instagram feed isn’t 50% Black, you’re doing it wrong."
Note that the portion of this slide which deals with "Whiteness" focuses on negatives: theft, supremacy, censorship, elitism.
While the portion dealing "Blackness" focuses on positives: culture, history, art, beauty, joy, excellence.
White evil. Black good. Repeated. Over and over again throughout the presentation.
The point is made clear that, according to this IBM / Red Hat presentation, the only reason "White" people have good things... is through domination and oppression.
SPEAKER: "White creates the game, then rigs it. Because it can. Because it dominates and oppresses."
The presentation contains significant calls to action that feel strongly cultish:
- Spread the message.
- Feel bad about yourself for being White, encourage other White people to feel bad about themselves.
- Cause yourself discomfort (a variation of self flagellation).
- Exalt and praise those in the "Good" class (Black people).
Racist. Cult-like. All happening within -- and sanctioned by -- a large and successful Tech company.
There is a great deal here that still needs to be analyzed and published. The Lunduke Journal appreciates the anonymous whistleblower who supplied this internal IBM / Red Hat presentation.
If any of this material is missing important context, The Lunduke Journal encourages Red Hat or IBM representatives to contact us to provide such context.
Likewise, it should be known that The Lunduke Journal respects requests for anonymity by whistleblowers at Big Tech companies.
Contact E-Mail: "bryan at"