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New IBM Leaks: An anti-White Pledge & "Ally" Badges
Plus: Executive pay is tied to these racist programs
April 14, 2024
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The leaks from within IBM (and IBM subsidiaries, like Red Hat) continue to roll in.

In the latest round of leaks we'll be looking at IBM's "Emb(race)" program, pledges to racist ideas, "Ally Badges", and how IBM Executive compensation is directly tied to the success of all of these programs.

It is absolutely wild.

We begin with the IBM "Emb(race) Pledge", which every IBM employee is encouraged to take.

The IBM Emb(race) Pledge - Source: IBM 2020 Diversity Report

Here is the full text of the "Emb(race) Pledge":

"I pledge not to remain silent.
I pledge to better understand the Black experience.
I pledge to fully embrace race and ethnicity with empathy.
I pledge to demonstrate equality through action. 
I pledge to create safe spaces to speak out. 
I pledge to be an upstander in every environment.
I pledge to become an Ally."

Let's dial in and be specific -- What does an "Ally" (with a capital "A") mean according to IBM?

We have learned, through previous previous leaks, that a core part of being an "Ally" is embracing an anti-White viewpoint -- including the concept that "only WHITE people are racist" and that "[White people] are the oppressors because we feed and thrive on power at the expense of other races".  (Again, this is according to IBM.)

Here, IBM is asking their employees to take a pledge to not just agree with that viewpoint... but to actively promote it.

This is, effectively, IBM telling their employees to take an "Anti-White Pledge".

NOTE: If IBM would like to disagree with The Lunduke Journal's assesment of this pledge, I courage IBM representatives to reach out and point out which portion of the IBM definition of "Ally" (which IBM and Red Hat have clearly defined as being anti-White) is incorrect.

It gets worse.

According to the 2020 IBM Diversity and Inclusion Report, IBM has created a system of "Badges" to showcase who has taken the pledge and become a good "Ally".

IBMers encouraged to earn "Ally Badges" - Source: IBM 2020 Diversity Report

Multiple badges are made available from IBM, including: the "Be Equal Embassador Badge", the "LGBT+ Ally Championship Badge", and the "Neurodiversity Ally Badge".

Those who do not actively promote the "Allyship" ideas, to the satisfaction of IBM management, will not receive a badge.

Specific actions -- relating to becoming an "Ally", promoting "Allyship", and the Emb(race) program -- are recommended to IBM employees.

"Actions every IBMer can take" - Source: Internal IBM Leak

According to one whistleblower, speaking to The Lunduke Journal on the condition of anonymity, these actions were partly mandatory, and party optional -- but, if you wanted a promotion, they were "effectively mandatory".

This is supported by previous IBM leaks, in which IBM management has made clear that "Diversity Training" is mandatory for all employees.

Screenshot of IBM internal Slack channel list -- Source: Internal IBM Leak

In addition, internal communication channels were setup (on Slack) specifically to discuss and promote Emb(race) topics and earning "Ally" badges.  Including those specificially for BLM and other political causes in line with the anti-White "Allyship" definition.

Below you will find a screenshot of a post which includes reference to some of them -- along with Powerpoint and Word documents with names like "Making the IBM Emb(race) Pledge" and multiple "Diversity and Inclusion" documents.

Slack Message Screenshot - Source: Internal IBM Leak

IBM Executives and Management sent out emails actively promoting the Emb(race) program.  See below an email from Jim Whitehurst -- then President of IBM (previously the CEO of Red Hat prior to the Red Hat acquisition) -- where he (as the President) tells staff that he learns from "Emb(race)" and he "hopes you do, too." 

Executive Email -- Source: Internal IBM Leak

IBM executives pushing this narrative is actively encouraged, by the IBM Board of Directors, through financial incentives.

From the 2020 IBM Diversity and Inclusion Report:

"Compensation for our C-suite and all IBM executives is calculated in part based on their organization's progress in improving diversity for women and underrepresented minorities.  In addition, in 2021, the IBM Bopard of Directors added a diversity modifier to the Company's annual incentive program to reinforce senior management's focus on improving a diverse representation of our workforce."

That's right.  IBM Executive pay is based, in part, on how effectively IBM employees embrace diversity training, diversity hiring, and programs like "Emb(race)".

The full statement:

Executive Compensation - Source: IBM 2020 Diversity Report

Some of what we know from these IBM leaks so far:

  1. IBM has internal presentations focused on the evils of being "White".
  2. IBM has internal book clubs reading anti-White books.
  3. "Diversity" training is mandatory within IBM.
  4. Employees are encouraged to make a public "pledge" to IBM's anti-White definition of "Allyship".
  5. Employees who promote such ideas are rewarded with "Badges".
  6. Executive compensation is tied to IBM employees adhering to and promoting these ideas.

What we are learning from one of the oldest and biggest "Big Tech" companies is deeply disturbing (and deeply racist).

Previous IBM leaks to The Lunduke Journal:

A few notes:

  • The Lunduke Journal is adamant about protecting the identities of whistleblowers.
  • Content leaked to The Lunduke Journal is carefully vetted prior to publication -- and representatives from the related companies are regularly contacted for comment (even if they don't like to respond).
  • Whistleblowers from Big Tech companies can contact Lunduke directly via email (bryan at

Thank you to the brave whistleblowers who have sent screenshots and documents.

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