News • Science & Tech
Microsoft Lays Off Some DEI Staff, Keeps DEI Policies
"[This layoff is] just one head on the hydra.  Every team has DEI promoters."
July 16, 2024
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As first reported by Business Insider, The Lunduke Journal has confirmed that Microsoft has laid off multiple staff members focused on DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity).

However, The Lunduke Journal has also learned, from multiple sources, that these layoffs only represent a small portion of the DEI-focused staff... and that the company will continue to focus on DEI issues and hiring going forward.

The Microsoft DEI Layoffs

One Microsoft DEI Lead stated, in an internal email seen by several thousand Microsoft employees, that their "role and team were eliminated due to 'changing business needs' as of July 1st, 2024".

That DEI Lead went on to say:

"Unofficially in my opinion, not specific to Microsoft alone, but Project 2025 looms and true systems change work associated with DEI programs everywhere are no longer business critical or smart as they were in 2020. Hence the purposeful and strategic 3-5 year shelf life of many company's inclusion commitments post the murder of George Floyd are being reevaluated.  And the way I see it, the timing was impeccable so businesses everywhere could reevaluate the path forward should their U.S. federal contracts be at risk if the work continues on its face."

The same DEI Lead also accused Microsoft leadership of "discrimination, harassment, and toxicity" directed towards the DEI team, itself.  The details of that alleged discrimination remain unclear.

There are many questions surrounding these layoffs.  How many employees are involved?  And, perhaps even more importantly, what does this mean for Microsoft's overall DEI policies?

Speaking to one Microsoft whistleblower, The Lunduke Journal was told, "[This layoff is] just one head on the hydra.  Every team has DEI promoters."  The whistleblower goes on to say, "[DEI] is everywhere."

Multiple Microsoft sources made it clear that the majority of DEI-focused Microsoft employees remained in their roles -- and that these layoffs, whatever their total number (which remains unknown), represents a small portion of the total DEI initiative within the company.

Microsoft Remains Focused on DEI

And, certainly, Microsoft appears just as focused on Diversity and Inclusivity as ever.  From an official statement from a Microsoft spokesman:

"Our D&I commitments remain unchanged.  Our focus on diversity and inclusion is unwavering and we are holding firm on our expectations, prioritizing accountability, and continuing to focus on this work."

Note that the "DEI" was changed in that statement... becoming simply "D & I".  The "Equity" was dropped, from in between "Diversity" and "Inclusivity".  Whether that was a simple slip, or an indication of future Microsoft policy changes is not yet clear.

Regardless, it appears that this small round of DEI layoffs does not indicate a significant shift away from DEI policies -- and back to meritocracy -- for the Tech Giant.

On a politically related note, Microsoft appears to continue to be encouraging employees to "Gender Transition" their children -- including toddlers as young as 3 years old -- as first exposed, thanks to Microsoft whistleblowers, earlier this year.

Considering the ongoing lawsuits against IBM and Red Hat -- because of the illegal implementation of DEI policies within those companies -- one has to wonder how long before Microsoft either drops these legally and ethically dubious policies... or faces lawsuits of their own.



If you work in Big Tech, and have seen something shady, speak up.  Become a whistleblower.  Follow this guide on how to remain anonymous while leaking insider information to The Lunduke Journal.

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I am probably not going to make friends for saying this, but I think moving the Linux kernel to Rust is not good for the future of Linux. While I love the FOSS philosophy and I am not a Rust or C programmer, I just don't have a lot of confidence in the major players making these decisions.

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Last week at The Lunduke Journal (Aug 25 - Aug 31, 2024)
Telegram CEO arrested! Zuck grows a conscience! Pop!_OS won't work with Linux!

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Pop!_OS Lead: Linux Developers are “Patronizing Pedantic Megalomaniacs”
System76’s Principal Engineer doesn’t “even try to contribute to the Linux kernel anymore.”

The Principal Engineer of System 76 (and the lead developer of System 76's Pop!_OS Linux distribution) has declared the Linux kernel is run by "patronizing pedantic megalomaniacs" and that he doesn't "even try to contribute to the Linux kernel anymore."

While, at first glance, these statements read like yet another round of "Open Source Drama" -- the Open Source world and "Drama" certainly go hand in hand -- the fact that the lead maintainer of one of the most prominent Linux distributions is refusing to have any involvement with the Linux kernel itself... is absolutely fascinating.

And this all seems to stem... from Rust.


Rust & Linux Conflict

Yesterday (August 28th), Wedson Filho (a developer working on migrating some Linux code to Rust) sent the following email to the Linux Kernel mailing list:



"I am retiring from the project.  After almost 4 years, I find myself lacking the energy and enthusiasm I once had to respond to some of the nontechnical nonsense, so it's best to leave it up to those who still have it in them."

As an example of the reason he is retiring from the "Rust for Linux" project, Wedson included a clip of a YouTube recording from the Q & A portion of a presentation on Linux Filestyems at Linux Foundation  event.



During that presentation, it was suggested that developers of Linux File System support (currently in C) needed to do significant work to accomodate developers who wanted to migrate Linux File System support to the Rust programming language.

One of the audience members disagreed with that -- saying "you're trying to convince everyone to switch over to the religion" of Rust.  Which he followed up by saying, "that ain't gonna happen".

The discussion went back and forth for a few moments and then the presentation moved on.

In short: Developers working on existing Linux kernel functionality (in C), want to continue working on their code.  Rust developers want them to either port the existing code to Rust, or spend time helping others to port it to Rust.

This, by itself, is an interesting debate as it could have rather sweeping ramifications to the Linux kernel (and related code).  But then something truly strange happened...

Enter: System76 & Pop!_OS

That's when Jeremy Soller, the Principal Engineer of System76 (a laptop and desktop PC company focused on shipping computers with Linux, specifically with their in-house developed Pop!_OS distribution), chimed in with his thoughts over on X.



"This kind of treatment is exactly why I started Redox OS from scratch and written primarily in Rust.  There is a lot of resistance to even minor beneficial change in Linux and related projects.  I don't even try to contribute to the Linux kernel anymore."


It's that last line that caught my eye.  "I don't even try to contribute to the Linux kernel anymore."

The lead of software engineering at a company which ships Linux hardware... refuses to work with the Linux kernel?

How utterly peculiar.  This would seem to be a massive problem (certainly an inconvenience) for System76.

But then Jeremy Soller continues... by directly, personally attacking Linux kernel developers (and, seemingly, Linus Torvalds and the rest of the Linux kernel maintainers).



"There are projects where you will inevitably have to get your changes past patronizing pedantic megalomaniacs and while the Linux kernel is not only developed by this personality type it is overwhelmingly controlled by it."


Patronizing pedantic megalomaniacs.

Not exactly mincing words.

Putting aside wether the System76 lead is right or wrong about any of that... it would seem to be a bizarre business strategy to directly attack and insult the people building the software which your own product relies upon.  Especially when you refuse to work on that same software.

Again, here's what we are seeing:

  • System76 ships an OS (Pop!_OS) with the Linux kernel.
  • System76 ships hardware with the Linux kernel.
  • System76 leadership refuses to work on the Linux kernel.
  • System76 leadership insults the people who do work on the Linux kernel (including the leadership of Linux).
  • That conflict appears to be originating from Rust advocates unhappy when C programmers refuse to work on Rust.

While the Open Source and Linux world is certainly no stranger to drama and conflict... this goes beyond mere "drama" and into the realm of having a significant impact on the business of System76 (both in terms of engineering and public perception).

Likewise, what does this mean for the Pop!_OS Linux distribution?  If the lead on that project (funded and run by System76) refuses to work on Linux -- and personally insults Linux kernel leadership -- what impact will that have on that particular distribution?

And all of this appears to be rooted in an anger that Rust developers have towards C programmers working on the Linux kernel.

An anger so strong... engineering leadership at System76 is willing to significantly harm his company over.

Utterly bizarre.

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