Stats are interesting...
Since I re-launched, I've been keeping a careful eye on the stats. Particularly, which websites have been referring the most traffic.
Here are the traffic sources (in descending order, from "Sends the most clicks" to "Sends the least clicks" ):
- Hacker News
- YouTube
- Reddit
- Locals
[big gap]
- Search engines (combined)
- Various forums and Tech news sites (combined)
[big gap]
- Twitter / LinkedIn (these two are a virtual tie)
- Facebook
Now, Facebook being so low, I kind of expected. I don't post anything there. Haven't for quite some time.
I expected LinkedIn to be lower than it was... and I expected Twitter to be higher than it was. But they are neck and neck. And not sending much more traffic than Facebook... despite the fact that I post every single article to both Twitter and LinkedIn.
YouTube kinda surprised me. I post some of my articles as text posts to my YouTube channel. Apparently that works pretty well. Huh! Who knew?
Also the lack of Odysee in here was a bit surprising as well, as I know I've seen some at least small spikes when I've posted links there. I think that might have something more to do with Odysee possibly not referring itself properly or something. I'll need to check on that.
Oh, and really pleased (as expected) with Locals. Consistent traffic from right here. But, well, not surprising. ;)
What's interesting to me... is that if I were to cut off Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook completely... my overall traffic would not drop by much at all. Not even sure I'd notice it as more than a blip on the radar.
But YouTube, HackerNews, and Reddit (which I don't post to much, myself -- like once in a blue moon) are all pretty significant drivers of traffic.