Over the last day, two subscriber-only exclusives have been published to Lunduke.Locals.com:
Article: 70% of companies on the Linux Foundation Board are GPL violators.
Video: Untitled Nerdy Chat Show - DistroTube, & Brodie Robertson - Jan 10, 2024
And, in the coming days, you’ll be seeing more articles and shows — across all three of The Lunduke Journal sites — that will be exclusively for subscribers.
Including the beginning of a series of articles on Microsoft — including leaks from Microsoft whistleblowers — over at ConservativeNerds.Locals.com. Yeah. That’s gonna be nuts.
If you don’t already have a subscription, you’re going to want one.
Or (recommended) grab a Triple Pass (Yearly or Lifetime) so you can access all three sites.
The Triple Pass
You can get all three sites (Lunduke, ConservativeNerds, & NerdyEntertainment) -- for a full year -- for $105. Which is a pretty awesome deal if you do the math.
Go to Lunduke.Locals.com/support.
Click "Subscribe".
Enter $105 in the editable field.
Lunduke will then grant you full access across all three sites (may take a couple hours depending on time of day).
The Lifetime Triple Pass
What if you want to pay once... and never again? You can get all three sites (Lunduke, ConservativeNerds, & NerdyEntertainment) -- for life -- for $335. Pay once. No recurring payment necessary.
Go to Lunduke.Locals.com/support.
Click "Give Once".
Enter $335 in the editable field.
Lunduke will then grant you full access across all three sites (may take a couple hours depending on time of day).
Never pay another dime. Neat, right?