Hello, you awesome nerds!
It’s been a fun month here at The Lunduke Journal of Technology! Here’s a quick run-down of some of my favorite things to happen during June:
Video: “macOS Sucks”
Themed week: Plan 9 OS
Article: “The Unlikely Story of UTF-8: The Text Encoding of the Web”
Article: “MkLinux: The delightfully weird PowerPC Mac Linux Distro of the 1990s”
The June PDF Magazine (DRM-free, baby!)
Plus, of course, a pile of nerdy articles, a bunch of podcasts, and a handful of classic videos. Not to mention all of us hanging out and talking about nerdy stuff every day. It was pretty friggin’ sweet.
And love that we’re getting back into big, live-streamed shows (starting with macOS Sucks)! Great to be doing that again!
Thanks for helping to make June an absolute nerdy blast, my dudes and dudettes!
Really, really looking forward to July.
The Lunduke Journal of Tech content archive.
Reminder: All supporters have full access to all of the exclusives in a nice, sortable, searchable index.
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Make sure you have a subscription.
These are the regular prices for subscriptions to all three sites in The Lunduke Journal Family (Journal of Technology, Nerdy Entertainment and Retro Delights, and Conservative Nerdiness).
Pick whatever works best for you.
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Monthly Subscription - $5
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Lunduke Funding Member Pass (all 3 sites together):
Yearly - $100 ($2.77 / month / site)
As a wise man once said, “If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up. It is so choice.” Pretty sure he was talking about the Founding Member thing.
How to get the Founding Member Pass:
Get a free subscription at Lunduke.Locals.com.
Select “Annual” and enter “100” in the “Amount to give per year” field.
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Emailing Lunduke at [email protected]
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