Just sent this out to the Substack subscribers. Posting it here in case anyone already on Locals wants to take advantage of it. Don't want anyone to get left out.
As you all know, The Lunduke Journal is leaving Substack behind and consolidating everything onto Locals. While this has many (many!) benefits for the entire community, I recognize that moving to a new platform can be a bit of a pain.
To make things easier — and to ease that pain a little — The Lunduke Journal is offering the yearly, Founding Member level subscription for $75 during this transition.
The “Founding Member” subscription gives you full access to all three of the Lunduke Journal publications and communities:
Lunduke.Locals.com — the primary, Tech-focused community.
NerdyEntertainment.Locals.com — focused on nerdy entertainment (TV, comics, books, etc.)
ConservativeNerds.Locals.com — the only place around here where politics is allowed
Think of it like getting access to all three sites (the communities, the articles, the podcasts, all of it)… for the price of 1 1/2. Pretty good deal.
How to get the Founding Member subscription:
Create an account (if you haven’t already).
Select the “Annual” option and enter $75 into the field.
It will look something like this:

Once you’ve done that, Lunduke will set all of your accounts — on all three Locals sites — to full access. Easy peasy.
Getting Started on Locals
One you are all setup, head to the following post on Locals:
This will give you a handy, quick primer on where to find all of the subscriber benefits and some tips on how to make the most of your Locals experience.
Looking forward to seeing you on Locals!