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Lawsuit filed against Red Hat for racial discrimination
May 08, 2024
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It's happening.  The dominoes are starting to fall.

In December of 2023, a number of leaks from James O'Keefe and The Lunduke Journal were released to the public -- exposing the extreme racial discrimination happening within both IBM and Red Hat (the world's largest Linux company).

Now, a lawsuit has been filed against Red Hat, on behalf of Allan Wood, who was a Senior Director at the Linux giant.

That lawsuit alleges significant racial, relgious, and gender discrimination.  And, based on what information we currently know about Red Hat's discriminatory policies... his case looks incredibly strong.

Below is the entire announcement, originally as a thread of posts on X, put into a single, easy to read format (you can also read a variation of this announcement, as well as the full lawsuit as a PDF, on their website).



We just filed a federal lawsuit against IBM’s subsidiary Red Hat for illegal racial discrimination. IBM has allegedly implemented illegal anti-white and anti-male quotas. We will use every tool to hold IBM accountable:

With our co-counsel, including Barnes Law, we filed a lawsuit on behalf of our client against the International Business Machines Corporation’s (IBM) subsidiary, Red Hat, for violating Civil Rights laws by allegedly engaging in discriminatory employment and termination practices against white males.

Our plaintiff is a white male and was a dutiful Red Hat employee for eight years, rising to the position of Senior Director. He was an exemplary employee who had never received a negative review during his time at Red Hat.

But for the discrimination he faced, he was on the path to becoming one of the top executives at Red Hat…

In 2021, Red Hat began implementing illegal diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) requirements. In accordance with its illegal activities, Red Hat hired a Chief Executive Officer of DEI to spearhead these programs — mandating employee training while implementing employment quotas aimed at achieving diversity goals by illegally treating race as a dispositive factor for employment and advancement.

On several occasions, managers and executives at Red Hat commented to our plaintiff and other employees expressing their dismay at the lack of diversity in the workforce and their desire to achieve certain workforce quotas based on race and gender. Red Hat executives indicated that these DEI initiatives would influence certain hiring and employment decisions.
Our plaintiff was vocal about his opposition to these discriminatory policies and continuously advocated for hiring based on merit and skill rather than other immutable characteristics.
Red Hat made express statements, both vocally and in writing at company events, that were derogatory towards white individuals and presented an anti-white agenda. Red Hat also remarked on the low number of women employed and expressed anti-male rhetoric. Red Hat made it clear that it was going to implement heightened DEI policies, with the sole intent of increasing diversity.
Red Hat has made it clear that it is in favor of discriminatory policies that the Supreme Court has found unconstitutional.
In the case of Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. Harvard, decided together with SFFA v. University of North Carolina, Red Hat, along with 70 other corporations, filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of affirmative action:
At a kickoff event in Texas, Red Hat brazenly announced its “Bold DEI Goals,” which included quotas.
Red Hat sought to remake its workforce demographic, seeking to reach 30% women globally and 30% associates of color in the United States by 2028.
Just two weeks after this announcement, our plaintiff was informed by his manager that his role was being eliminated following several months of discriminatory treatment.
Upon information and belief, 21 of the total 22 individuals were white males.
Last year, James O'Keefe released a recording of IBM Chief Executive Officer and Board Chairman Arvind Krishna promising to fire, demote, or deny bonuses to corporate executives who fail to meet the corporation’s racial, national origin, and sex-based hiring quotas or hire too many Asian individuals.
Following this shocking footage, we filed a federal civil rights complaint with the EEOC against IBM for alleged racial and sex discrimination.
We also wrote to IBM’s Board of Directors, demanding an end to the corporation’s systemic violations of law to prevent the waste of corporate assets and harm to shareholders.

Today, we are proud to file this lawsuit to continue to fight corporate America’s destructive, illegal, and odious use of illegal DEI initiatives that are fundamentally anti-white, anti-male, and anti-equality.

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Give the gift of The Lunduke Journal:

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"Andreas Kling creator of Serenity OS & Ladybird Web Browser" - Lunduke’s Big Tech Show - September 13th, 2023 - Ep 044

This episode is free for all to enjoy and share.

Be sure to subscribe here at to get all shows & articles (including interviews with other amazing nerds).

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We have an LCOS Forum!

It's completely stock at the moment. No categories. No default posts. Nothing. But the forum for The Lunduke Computer Operating System is alive!

As we get things setup, this will be where we handle all of the primary, day-to-day discussions around the system -- along with tech support, eventually.

Found something new to play with. Maybe I can use it to help with LCOS.

The struggle is very real.

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Funny Programming Pictures Part XLVII
The best Ctrl-C Ctrl-V this side of the Mississippi!


"Worth it!" -- John Connor


How much do we want to spend?  LESS THAN IS REASONABLE!


Maybe we should call it Lasagna Code.  Or Garlic Bread code.  I'm hungry.


But make it Perl.  Only compiled.




Wait.  Is that... is that possible?  Ok, now I need to try that...


That is one stressed out kitty.


The important part here is that this joke has nothing to do with Rust.


See!?  Even the old guy from that one cartoon says it!


This... this... sounds kinda fantastic.


"No.  Seriously.  Stop refa". "BIG PLANS."


That listener is wicked sneaky.


It's funny because everybody gets called a Nazi now.


Aaaand, we end with a joke that will get me yelled at.  Because... why not!
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Lunduke Computer Operating System Status - July 5, 2024
Licensing & Governance!

This was a rather quiet week for the Lunduke Computer Operating System (LCOS).  It is Independence Day here in the USA, and I took a little time off to celebrate with the family.  Likewise, one of the key early developers (working on the first version of our image creation script) took the week off to go camping.

Family time is important.  As is good BBQ.

Just the same, two very critical decisions were made this week.  Decisions which will have far reaching implications for the future of the project.

BSD Licensing

For all 100% original code (developed specifically for the Lunduke Computer Operating System), the BSD 2-Clause license will be utilized.

The BSD 2-Clause was selected for a wide variety of reasons.  Notably: simplicity, flexibility, and the fact that it has been well tested for over a quarter of a century (as the primary license of the FreeBSD project).

Also known as the "Simplified BSD License", it contains only two clauses:

  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

This license will be used for the imaging scripts, installation software, and any original software built for LCOS.

Of course, it goes without saying that a complete, functional LCOS installation will include a wide variety of licenses (from a wide variety of pieces of software).  But the parts we specifically build will use the BSD 2-Clause by default.

Government Structure

There are a great many issues plaguing many Free and Open Source Software projects -- often stemming from individuals, with motives contrary to the original vision of the project, gaining control over moderation or governance.

We see this happening in a number of different Linux Distrubutions and projects right now... and it just plain sucks.

In order to prevent this from taking place, The Lunduke Computer Operating System will be a monarchy.

While multiple, specialized governmental organizations may be created within the project (to fill specific needs)... a monarch will sit at the head, with the authority to override any and all decisions made by any such governmental bodies.

Some projects call this role a "Benevolent Dictator".  We call it a monarch.  For no other reason than because I like the sound of it.

All hail, King Lunduke.

Lots To Do

There remains a tremendous amount of work to do in these early days -- with a pretty hefty to-do list to crank through in the weeks ahead.  But progress is being made.  Even during holidays.

Regally yours,
-King Lunduke

Past Status Reports

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Crazy Tech People Who Hate Lunduke - Part II
NixOS banned Lunduke! Linux Mint banned the word "Lunduke". Drew DeVault says Lunduke is a threat to FOSS!

My very existence drives many nerds to the brink of madness.  It is... a gift.

Below is a small sampling of nerds -- and Tech Industry folk -- who have lost their gosh-darned minds after reading a few of my Wild and Wooly Words of Wounding.

Here we go.  "Crazy Tech People Who Hate Lunduke - Part II"

Warning: One of the screenshots below contains some naughty words.  I censored those words... but you can probably still figure out what they were.  Also other screenshots, while not filled with naughty words, are mildly retarded.  Which may or may not be contagious.  I don't know.  I'm not a doctor.

Drew DeVault

We kick off this installment with a post from Drew DeVault -- CEO of SourceHut & developer of the Sway Window Manager.


Source: Mastodon


Drew DeVault wants people to know about an important threat facing Free and Open Source Software: "a small but growing community of right-wing conspiracy theorists ala lunduke et al."

You hear that?  I am a threat to Free Software.  I, Lunduke, am dangerous.  Drew fears me.

Hey, maybe there's something to that!  We've already learned that I am capable of destroying entire Open Source projects entirely with my "Word Magic (tm)".  So, who knows!  Maybe I am a threat!

Also... when describing "right-wing" people in the Free Software world... who do they think of?  Lunduke, that's who.  That, right there, is some serious branding success.

Wait.  "lunduke et all"?  "et al"?

And... others?  Who are the others?  Am I their leader?  Do we have meetings?  Was there punch and pie?


Endless OS

Cassidy James -- engineer on Endless OS, co-Founder of elementary OS -- spends a tremendous amount of his time talking about that dastardly Lunduke fella.  Pretty much any time a Lunduke Journal article gains traction within the Linux world... Cassidy is there to remind people just how evil I am.


Source: Mastodon


Deadnaming!  Misgendering!  Regressive commentary!  Asking questions!

This Lunduke menace must be stopped!

I mean... come on!  Regressive commentary!  Regressive!

My favorite part of this is that last line: "[I don't know] if the contents of this post are true--I refuse to visit that site--but I figure you should know what you're linking to."

Everybody take note of what a good person Cassidy is.  You know he's a good person because he refused to read a Lunduke article... and he loudly told you (and everyone one else) about it.  That is the very definition of "good person".

I mean... Cassidy had to tell people how he refused to read a Lunduke article!

Shoot.  That virtue ain't gonna signal itself!

It's OSNews again!

The editor of is back for round 2!  Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... Thom Holwerda!


Source: Mastodon


Yessir.  He's a professional.

I'm impressed I was able to find a post of his where I only needed to censor 3 words.


Within a few hours of publishing an article on NixOS... the Nix team got to work on their most important and ambitious code submission yet: "Suspend Bryan Lunduke".


Source: GitHub NixOS Moderation


That's right: "Bryan Lunduke has been suspended on all platforms"

Did I have accounts on the NixOS forums and such?  Apparently!  I guess?

Have I ever posted anything to any NixOS forum or system?  I don't... think so?  I mean... maybe?

But I definitely won't be posting anything now!

"Check mate, Lunduke," exclaimed the NixOS Foundation Team!

Linux Mint

Speaking of being banned from Linux Distribution forums... that reminds me of the time, a few months back, when Linux Mint not only banned me from using their forum... but they banned any usage of the word "Lunduke".



Source: Linux Mint Forum


A Linux Mint user sent me the screenshot above, showing how the word "Lunduke" was instantly transformed into "violates forum rules".

So, naturally, I had to try this out.  It just sounded too ridiculous to be true.  Well, lo and behold...


Source: Linux Mint Forum


"I was told that my name (violates forum rules) was listed as a forbidden word here on the Linux Mint forum.  Which... just sounded too preposterous for words.  Thus I am testing it out.  ;)


Yours in nerdiness,
violates forum rules"


Ironically, this very publication was almost named "The Violates Forum Rules Journal".  Had a nice ring to it, right?

Within minutes of making that test post, my Lunduke (err... I mean "violates forum rules") user account was banned completely.


Source: Linux Mint Forum


Eventually enough people complained about this... so the Linux Mint folks unbanned my name.  Which means, I believe, you can use the word "Lunduke" again.

So, you know, I've got that going for me.

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