Seriously. His response was profane. F-bombs, the works. From a C-level executive of the company. ## This is the future of Odysee I repeat: It was made clear to me, by the person who runs Odysee, that this sort of content **was the Odysee brand** and that this was the future. I raised concerns around this strategy -- as one of the most prominent creators on the platform. Not a lot of high quality content creators want their content hosted on a platform where their viewers are recommended to watch "F***ING breaking my F***ING A**HOLE!!" right next to their own content. It's confusing. It's weird. It's gross. **It's both degenerate... and simply a terrible business decision.** But that's where we are. That's the future of the Odysee and LBRY platform, as chosen by those running the platform itself. ## That's not me I'm not a big fan of cursin' and swearin'. I haven't made a video, or done a live show, where I've let a naughty word slip out in several years. I don't begrudge others for using naughty words -- just not really my thing (unless I stub my toe really, really hard). And I certainly don't want to be a part of a platform where this type of degenerate, low-quality, vulgar content is promoted not only above my own... but above *everyone else*. And where my viewers (and my family members) are subjected to such disgusting garbage **by the corporate channel**. The damage this does to me (and other creators) is obvious. Political comentators. Journalists. Engineers. Tech enthusiasts. Popular culture reviewers. Comedians. All sidelined and ignored, in favor of gross, shock-value-only, low-quality, highly vulgar gegeneracy. If that is Odysee, count me out. ## Leaving Odysee I'm out. Despite years of significant investment and effort... I am, immediately, ceasing all involvement with LBRY and Odysee. I will not be publishing my future content here. I will not continue doing any work with the company -- those couple hours of part time consulting? Those are done. I will not recommend anyone use the platform, in any way. I simply will not associate myself with filth, garbage, degeneracy, and low-quality. ## Where to find me You can find most of my articles over at []( And you can find all of my audio and video content over at []( Both free to use -- though you can pay to support me at if you wish (totally optional). What will I do with the archive of content here on LBRY / Odysee? Honestly, I don't know. For the moment I will simply cease all future publication. Going forward I may remove this channel entirely and bring all the content elsewhere. Not sure yet. Heck. Maybe Odysee and LBRY will realize how big of a mistake they have made (Titanic level bad) and change course. Who knows. Time will tell. Either way. You know where to find me.">
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Lunduke condemns LBRY & Odysee

Because sometimes Odysee links get mangled in Locals (maybe because Locals has good taste) I'm posting the full markdown of the article here as well:


This is not a fun post to write.

I have been a vocal advocate for LBRY (and then Odysee) since 2017.

At one point mine was the single most subscribed-to channel on the entire platform. Still among the most subscribed-to and viewed (I believe around number 50 or so).

Of the top 100 channels on LBRY, over a dozen of them joined on my personal recommendation.

My investment in LBRY and Odysee is extreme. That said...

Due to recent decisions and actions by Odysee, I will no longer be utilizing the platform for publishing my content. And I am publicly condemning the direction that Odysee and LBRY are choosing to go, along with their recent actions.

Odysee has gone degenerate

A few days ago, the [official Odysee company channel]( made a post promoting a creator channel. The first such promotion, of any channel, in many months. What channel did they choose to promote? One of the hundreds of high quality channels that currently publish to the platform? One of the exciting, popular channels that have joined recently?


The official Odysee company channel [made this post](, promoting one of the most low quality, vile, vulgar, degenerate channels on the platform. A channel with only a couple dozen subscribers, no less.

That post -- again, posted by Odysee, itself -- contained such text as "You want to F my TWO HOT GIRLFRIENDS in the A???" and "FING breaking my F*ING AHOLE!!"**.

Signing off with the text: "Odysee is his yard now!"

Seriously. Not a joke. Someone at Odysee thought this was a great idea.

It's almost so over the top, it's hard to believe a company (any company) would do such a stupid thing.

Free Speech is good

I love Free Speech. LBRY and Odysee are all about that. Right?

I would never, with that in mind, advocate for that channel to be taken down. No matter how gross it is. That person can publish his low quality, degenerate, profane content all he wants on LBRY / Odysee... and I simply should never need to see it.

But for Odysee, the company, to make that post? Promoting it above all other channels on the entire platform? Pushing that content in our face wether we want it or not? Going so far as to declare that "Odysee is his yard now!" to the half million subscribers of the main Odysee channel?

To say "that is a problem" would be a collosal understatement. Could you imagine the uproar if YouTube posted those things on the main company channel? The response would be off the charts, swift, and extreme. And warranted.

This reflects poorly on Odysee. And it makes those who have advocated on behalf of Odysee and LBRY over the years look bad. Likewise for the creators publishing to Odysee. This much is brutally obvious (as the comments on the post, from the community, and from other creators who reached out make crystal clear). It's just common sense.

It also makes Odysee significantly less safe for work... and families.

Heck, it makes Odysee a downright hostile place to exist for anyone other than that one degenerate channel (with only a few subscribers).

I sought answers

Over the last few weeks, I have been doing some very, very part time consulting work for LBRY and Odysee. Nothing big or crazy, just some help with writing some technical content and a handful of the (more professional) posts to the LBRY (not Odysee) channel. I'm a writer, and I was helping out with a platform I have supported and publish to.

This, combined with me having one of the most long-standing channels, made it reasonable for me to express concerns (in private) with this recent post.

Why was it posted? Could it be removed? Was the impact on other creators, and users, considered? And, perhaps most importantly, will more posts like this be made in the future?

I'm sure it was just a bad idea by a low level intern... right?

I got answers

In response to expressing my concern, I received an explitive filled tirade from the Cheif Marketing Officer of Odysee (whose previous experience, [according to LinkedIn](, consists entirely of a short spell at Tik Tok), where he made it clear that he, himself, published this content.

And that this sort of content was the future of the Odysee platform.

> Seriously. His response was profane. F-bombs, the works. From a C-level executive of the company.

This is the future of Odysee

I repeat: It was made clear to me, by the person who runs Odysee, that this sort of content was the Odysee brand and that this was the future.

I raised concerns around this strategy -- as one of the most prominent creators on the platform.

Not a lot of high quality content creators want their content hosted on a platform where their viewers are recommended to watch "FING breaking my FING A**HOLE!!" right next to their own content.

It's confusing. It's weird. It's gross.

It's both degenerate... and simply a terrible business decision.

But that's where we are. That's the future of the Odysee and LBRY platform, as chosen by those running the platform itself.

That's not me

I'm not a big fan of cursin' and swearin'. I haven't made a video, or done a live show, where I've let a naughty word slip out in several years.

I don't begrudge others for using naughty words -- just not really my thing (unless I stub my toe really, really hard).

And I certainly don't want to be a part of a platform where this type of degenerate, low-quality, vulgar content is promoted not only above my own... but above everyone else. And where my viewers (and my family members) are subjected to such disgusting garbage by the corporate channel.

The damage this does to me (and other creators) is obvious.

Political comentators. Journalists. Engineers. Tech enthusiasts. Popular culture reviewers. Comedians.

All sidelined and ignored, in favor of gross, shock-value-only, low-quality, highly vulgar gegeneracy.

If that is Odysee, count me out.

Leaving Odysee

I'm out. Despite years of significant investment and effort... I am, immediately, ceasing all involvement with LBRY and Odysee.

I will not be publishing my future content here.

I will not continue doing any work with the company -- those couple hours of part time consulting? Those are done.

I will not recommend anyone use the platform, in any way.

I simply will not associate myself with filth, garbage, degeneracy, and low-quality.

Where to find me

You can find most of my articles over at [](

And you can find all of my audio and video content over at [](

Both free to use -- though you can pay to support me at if you wish (totally optional).

What will I do with the archive of content here on LBRY / Odysee? Honestly, I don't know. For the moment I will simply cease all future publication. Going forward I may remove this channel entirely and bring all the content elsewhere. Not sure yet.

Heck. Maybe Odysee and LBRY will realize how big of a mistake they have made (Titanic level bad) and change course. Who knows. Time will tell.

Either way. You know where to find me.

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It's a fascinatingly annoying cycle. And there's only one viable way out of it.

Looking for the Podcast RSS feed or other links? Check here:

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Looking for the Podcast RSS feed or other links?

Give the gift of The Lunduke Journal:

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Be sure to subscribe here at to get all shows & articles (including interviews with other amazing nerds).

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post photo preview

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February 04, 2025
post photo preview
Last (and 1st) Reminder: Lunduke Journal Discounts end at Midnight.

A huge thank you to everyone who has already picked up a subscription to The Lunduke Journal — we’re close to hitting our subscriber goals for next month!

In order to hit those goals, we’re offering some fun discounts on Lifetime Subscriptions, and the DRM-Free MP4 download option.

Those discounts end at Midnight tonight (Tuesday). Want to help support the last bastion of truly independent Tech Journalism? Now’s the best time.

This will be the one and only reminder. 😎

Lunduke Journal Discounts

Until midnight tonight (Tuesday, February 4th), in addition to regular subscriptions, you can grab two limited discounts:

  1. Discounted Lifetime Subscriptions (scroll down for details)

  2. DRM-Free, MP4 Downloads for 2024 & 2025 (combined) for 55% off.

There many ways to support The Lunduke Journal. Choose the option that makes you smile. It’s all listed below.

Where to grab a Monthly or Yearly Subscription:

These are regular price. But still awesome.

Lifetime Subscription Details:

  • Pay once, full subscription for life (on Locals, Substack, or both).

  • Available only through Tuesday, February 4th. Then the Lifetime Subscription option goes “back in the vault”.

  • Can be purchased via Locals, Substack, or with Bitcoin. Chose whichever works for you. Scroll down for steps.

Where to buy a DRM-Free, MP4 video yearly download pass:

Want to be able to download every show The Lunduke Journal releases (and watch them on whatever device you like)? Yeah. You can do that.

The Famous Lifetime Subscription via Locals:

The "World Famous Lunduke Journal Lifetime Subscription" is exactly what it sounds like. Pay once and get full access to The Lunduke Journal (with all the perks of subscription on Locals). For life.

New Lifetime Subscriptions are available, for $200, from now through February 4th. Then this option goes "back into the vault".

Here's how to grab one of these coveted bad boys for yourself:

  1. Go to

  2. Select "Give Once".

  3. Enter "200" into the amount field.

  4. After checking out, Lunduke will toss you an email once your account is set to full lifetime status. (This usually happens within a few hours.)

The Famous Lifetime Subscription via Substack:

You can also snag a Lifetime Subscription via Substack:

  1. Go to

  2. Select the “Lifetime Subscription” option.

  3. After checking out, Lunduke will toss you an email once your account is set to full lifetime status. (This usually happens within a few hours.)

If you would like full, Lifetime access to (which is included):

  1. Make a free account on

  2. Email “bryan at” with the email address you use on both Substack and Locals (can be different email addresses).

  3. Lunduke will toss you an email once your account is set to full lifetime status on Locals.

The Famous Lifetime Subscription (with Bitcoin discount):

And, finally, you can obtain a Lifetime Subscription via Bitcoin. Save a few bucks with this option, as Bitcoin processing has fewer fees associated with it.

  • Make sure you have a account (a free account works just fine).

  • Send $190 worth of Bitcoin (or more) to the following address:


  • Email "bryan at" with the following information: What time you made the transaction, how much was sent (in Bitcoin), and the email address you use (or plan to use) on

Once again, thank you. The Lunduke Journal would not be possible without your support.

You rule. Seriously.


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February 03, 2025
Fund Indie Tech Journalism. Lifetime Subs & Discounts available for 48 hours.

February is upon us! And — would you look at that — thanks to all of you, The Lunduke Journal is already fully funded through the end of February!

That means: We can continue to have zero sponsors, zero advertising and, even more importantly, zero influence from Big Tech.

Now. How amazing would it be if The Lunduke Journal could reach our funding goals through the end of March… almost two months ahead of time? Pretty freaking amazing. And absolutely doable.

Let’s do it.

Through Tuesday (February 4th), we’ve got a handful of discounts on Lunduke Journal subscriptions. Take a look. A huge thank you to everyone who has already subscribed — you make this all possible.

Every penny goes towards keeping truly independent journalism alive.

Lunduke Journal Discounts

For the next 2 days (through Tuesday, February 4th), in addition to regular subscriptions, you can grab two limited discounts:

  1. Discounted Lifetime Subscriptions (scroll down for details)

  2. DRM-Free, MP4 Downloads for 2024 & 2025 (combined) for 55% off.

There many ways to support The Lunduke Journal. Choose the option that makes you smile. It’s all listed below.

Where to grab a Monthly or Yearly Subscription:

These are regular price. But still awesome.

Lifetime Subscription Details:

  • Pay once, full subscription for life (on Locals, Substack, or both).

  • Available only until Tuesday, February 4th. Then the Lifetime Subscription option goes “back in the vault”.

  • Can be purchased via Locals, Substack, or with Bitcoin. Chose whichever works for you. Scroll down for steps.

Where to buy a DRM-Free, MP4 video yearly download pass:

Want to be able to download every show The Lunduke Journal releases (and watch them on whatever device you like)? Yeah. You can do that.

The Famous Lifetime Subscription via Locals:

The "World Famous Lunduke Journal Lifetime Subscription" is exactly what it sounds like. Pay once and get full access to The Lunduke Journal (with all the perks of subscription on Locals). For life.

New Lifetime Subscriptions are available, for $200, from now through February 4th. Then this option goes "back into the vault".

Here's how to grab one of these coveted bad boys for yourself:

  1. Go to

  2. Select "Give Once".

  3. Enter "200" into the amount field.

  4. After checking out, Lunduke will toss you an email once your account is set to full lifetime status. (This usually happens within a few hours.)

The Famous Lifetime Subscription via Substack:

You can also snag a Lifetime Subscription via Substack:

  1. Go to

  2. Select the “Lifetime Subscription” option.

  3. After checking out, Lunduke will toss you an email once your account is set to full lifetime status. (This usually happens within a few hours.)

If you would like full, Lifetime access to (which is included):

  1. Make a free account on

  2. Email “bryan at” with the email address you use on both Substack and Locals (can be different email addresses).

  3. Lunduke will toss you an email once your account is set to full lifetime status on Locals.

The Famous Lifetime Subscription (with Bitcoin discount):

And, finally, you can obtain a Lifetime Subscription via Bitcoin. Save a few bucks with this option, as Bitcoin processing has fewer fees associated with it.

  • Make sure you have a account (a free account works just fine).

  • Send $190 worth of Bitcoin (or more) to the following address:


  • Email "bryan at" with the following information: What time you made the transaction, how much was sent (in Bitcoin), and the email address you use (or plan to use) on

Once again, thank you. The Lunduke Journal would not be possible without your support.

You rule. Seriously.


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January 13, 2025
Last 24 Hours: 55% off DRM-Free MP4s, & Discounted Lifetime Subscriptions

Holy guacamole, Batman! We are now over 80% of the way to our funding goal… for the end of February. And it’s not even half way through January! I am absolutely gobsmacked.

Want to help push us over the 100% line — and directly fund the truly independent Tech Journalism of The Lunduke Journal?

Lots of options. Big and small (and all amazingly helpful). Scroll down & choose whatever works best for you.

Lunduke Journal Discounts

For the next 24-sh hours (through Tuesday, January 14th), in addition to regular subscriptions, you can grab two limited discounts:

  1. Discounted Lifetime Subscriptions (details below)

  2. DRM-Free, MP4 Downloads for 2024 & 2025 (combined) for 55% off.

There many ways to support The Lunduke Journal. Choose the option that makes you smile. It’s all listed below.

Where to grab a Monthly or Yearly Subscription:

Lifetime Subscription Details:

  • Pay once, full subscription for life (on Locals, Substack, or both).

  • Available only through Tuesday, January 14th. Then the Lifetime Subscription option goes “back in the vault”.

  • Can be purchased via Locals, Substack, or with Bitcoin. Scroll down for steps.

Where to buy a DRM-Free, MP4 video yearly download pass:

Want to be able to download every show The Lunduke Journal releases (and watch them on whatever device you like)? Yeah. You can do that.

The Famous Lifetime Subscription via Locals

The "World Famous Lunduke Journal Lifetime Subscription" is exactly what it sounds like. Pay once and get full access to The Lunduke Journal (with all the perks of subscription on Locals). For life.

New Lifetime Subscriptions are available, for $200, from now through January 14th. Then this option goes "back into the vault".

Here's how to grab one of these coveted bad boys for yourself:

  1. Go to

  2. Select "Give Once".

  3. Enter "200" into the amount field.

  4. After checking out, Lunduke will toss you an email once your account is set to full lifetime status. (This usually happens within a few hours.)

The Famous Lifetime Subscription via Substack

You can also snag a Lifetime Subscription via Substack:

  1. Go to

  2. Select the “Lifetime Subscription” option.

  3. After checking out, Lunduke will toss you an email once your account is set to full lifetime status. (This usually happens within a few hours.)

If you would like full, Lifetime access to (which is included):

  1. Make a free account on

  2. Email “bryan at” with the email address you use on both Substack and Locals (can be different email addresses).

  3. Lunduke will toss you an email once your account is set to full lifetime status on Locals.

The Famous Lifetime Subscription (with Bitcoin discount)

And, finally, you can obtain a Lifetime Subscription via Bitcoin. Save a few bucks with this option, as Bitcoin processing has fewer fees associated with it.

  • Make sure you have a account (a free account works just fine).

  • Send $190 worth of Bitcoin (or more) to the following address:


  • Email "bryan at" with the following information: What time you made the transaction, how much was sent (in Bitcoin), and the email address you use (or plan to use) on

Nice and easy. Lots of options.

Once again, thank you. The Lunduke Journal would not be possible without your support.

You rule.


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