News • Science & Tech
DOOM Now Runs on a Quantum Computer (Which Doesn’t Exist)
A hypothetical quantum computer… 70 times more powerful than the most powerful Quantum Computer.
11 hours ago
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When it comes to computers... I'm a pretty "Ones and Zeros" kinda guy.  Regardless of the platform or processor architecture, binary is what I'm used to.

Quantum Computing?  For me, that's Black Magic Funky Voodoo (tm).

Instead of 1's & 0's -- like a normal computer -- Quantum Computers use "qubits", a data type that can be either a 1 or a 0 (like binary).  Or a "qubit" can be a 1 that has "aspects" that are "kinda sorta like" a 0.  Or a 0 which is also, simultaneously, a 1.

In other words... Black Magic Funky Voodoo (tm).

But the number one thing that gives me pause about Quantum Computing is, I would wager, the exact same thing that is causing you to not currently be interested in buying a Quantum Computer.

The lack of DOOM.

Well, buckle up, Buttercup.  Because someone has just ported DOOM to a Quantum Computer.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: QuanDOOM.



Ok, it doesn't look quite like a 256 color, VGA DOOM... but, still.  Pretty cool!

According to the developer, there are some pretty significant differences to regular "DOOM".  Namely (quoting the dev):

  • It's only the first level, more could be added, it's just a matter of mapping them.
  • Everything is x-ray due to reversibility shenanigans.
  • No color because it'd make rendering a lot harder and the x-ray would look weirder.
  • No music or sound.
  • No level secrets, although again it's just a matter of mapping.


From the developer:


"Despite decades of active research, there is yet to be developed a single practical use for quantum computers. This changes today, with the release of Quandoom, a port of the first level of DOOM designed for a quantum computer, given as a single QASM file, using a mere 70,000 qubits and 80 million gates. Although such a quantum computer doesn't exist right now, Quandoom is efficiently simulatable on a classical computer, capable of running at 10-20 fps on my laptop using the accompanying lightweight (150 lines of C++) QASM simulator."


Wait.  Wait.  QuanDOOM requires 70,000 qubits?

70 thousand?  How does that compare to the currently available Quantum Computers?  Well, heh, the most powerful Quantum Computer in the world -- produced by Atom Computing -- currently handles roughly 1 thousand qubits.



In other words: QuanDOOM requires a Quantum Computer that is roughly 70 times more powerful than anything currently available.

Currently, it can be run within a simulator -- because a Quantum Computer capable of running it doesn't exist -- on both Linux and macOS.  Gobbling up between 5 and 6 GB of RAM.


"The circuit needs 72,376 total qubits, 8,376 qubits not counting the screen, of which 6,986 are ancilla qubits. The circuit file has 83,651,224 lines, so at least that many gates (will actually be more, since many lines are subroutines)."



Now, QuanDOOM must function differently than regular DOOM.  Because Quantum Computers, compared to Binary Computers, are really friggin weird.

So, how does QuanDOOM work?


"The game loop is as follows:

1. the user pressing a key sets the value of one of the input qubits

2. the QASM file containing all of the quantum gates is applied to the entire state

3. the last 64,000 qubits are measured and displayed as a 320 x 200 screen of binary pixels

4. the screen and input qubits are reset and the process repeats"


... weird.

I mean, don't get me wrong.  Super, duper cool!  I mean, heck!  This is DOOM!  On a Quantum Computer!

But.  Wow.  So weird.

This also leaves me wondering how far out Quantum Computers are from being truly useful.  I hate to be "that guy", but if you can't run a crazily stripped down version of DOOM on the most powerful Quantum Computer on Earth... yet you can easily "simulate" it on a Thinkpad?

How useful can Quantum Computers actually be?

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September 30, 2024
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Godot Responds to Mass Banning -- No Apology, Blames Banned Users
Plus: Godot censors journalists, asks banned users to beg to be un-banned.

Warning: This article contains screenshots of posts and statements which contain obscene and vulgar language.  Those statements are presented here, without edits, in order to accurately record these events.


Over the last few days, the team behind the open source Godot game engine has enacted a mass banning -- dubbed a "cleansing" -- of users, developers, and financial supporters who were perceived to have the "wrong" political views.

This morning, the Godot Foundation has -- after tremendous pressure -- issued an official statement on their X account.



Two images containing text.  The first of which reads as follows:


"On Friday, we made a tweet that unexpectedly led to a wave of harassment directed at our staff and community. We unequivocally condemn this abuse.


The volume of negative engagement overwhelmed our moderation efforts.

While attempting to protect the Godot community we mistakenly blocked individuals who were not participating in the harassment. The Godot Foundation Board takes full responsibility for these moderation actions.


If you believe you were blocked in error and have not violated our Code of Conduct, please contact us with the form linked below. We are committed to swiftly rectifying any mistakes.


We firmly stand by our mission to keep our community spaces free from hate, discrimination, and other toxic behaviors.


- The Godot Foundation Board"


The statement "we made a tweet that unexpectedly led to a wave of harassment directed at our staff" is, based on all available evidence, simply not true.  The majority of bannings, enacted by Godot, appear to have been directed towards people who were makings statements which could not be described as "harassing staff".

Many were variations on "why not focus on software?" or "why are people being banned?"

Likewise, the statement "The volume of negative engagement overwhelmed our moderation efforts" also appears to be false.

During the height of the mass "Cleansing", the employee responsible for "Community & Communications" for Godot openly mocked and insulted those being banned -- and had enough time and energy to "start a folder" of the replies to Godot's actions.



Got enough time to "start a folder" of people you ban -- and mock them online?  You probably are not "overwhelmed".

Two other points worth noting regarding this statement from the Godot Foundation:

  • It appears as though no banned accounts -- on any platform -- have been un-banned.
  • It also appears as though no action, of any kind, has been taken regarding the Godot team members responsible for the mass bannings.

Both actions would be incredibly simple to take -- and would help to ease the escalating tension between the Godot Foundation and the Godot users (and contributors).  Yet, notably, these actions have been specifically not taken.

That is a choice by Godot.

An additional, shorter statement was made concerning the Godot Discord moderator who called those being banned "the filth of humanity" who can "[censored] off to oblivion".


"We strongly condemn the harmful language used by Xananax, moderator of an unofficial Godot-related Discord server.


We want to clarify that Xananax is not hired by nor a spokesperson for the Godot Foundation.


As an organization, we have our own official Discord server, moderated together with the new volunteers vetted by our team."


Two points are worth noting with this statement.

The first is that Godot appears to be distancing themselves from this moderator by stating that this was an "unofficial Godot-related Discord server".

However, this Discord server was listed as the official Discord server -- according to the Godot Foundation website (as of just three months ago).  Likewise, "Xananax" has been often referred to as the "Main Moderator" for multiple years.

Thus proving that "Xananax" was, indeed, an official moderator of the official Discord server for Godot.  At least until... now.

The second point is that the Godot Foundation is "condemn[ing] the harmful language" of their moderator.  But what language, specifically?  Is Godot condemning the statement that their users are "the filth of humanity" who can "[censored] off to oblivion"?  We assume so... but they don't actually specify.

Well, luckily, another official moderator of the new official Godot Discord server has made an announcement to clarify:



I'll call your attention to the bullet point, second from the end:


"Additionally, posts made by community member Xan from back in 2016 have surfaced, that the Foundation had to distance itself from"


Wait.  2016?  The Godot Foundation was not condemning the new "filth of humanity" statements?

They were condemning... statements made... 8 years ago?  Seriously?

Well, ok.  What, pray tell, were those 8 year old statements that Godot finally decided to condemn?  Apparently... this is them.



That's right.  This "Xananax" made those statements on the (then) official Godot Discord server -- which the Godot team was totally fine with (even making Xananax the "main" moderator).

But, now that they've surfaced again, Godot has distanced themselves from those statements.  But not, it should be repeated, the "filth of humanity" statements.  Those statements, apparently, Godot agrees with.


Send Us Your Email to Get Unblocked


In a truly peculiar move, instead of simply unblocking / unbanning everyone who was "cleansed" over the last few days... the Godot Foundation has posted a Google Form for people to fill out to request a "Block Appeal" specifically for "X/Twitter".



To fill out this form, Godot is requiring users send them the email address associated with your personal Google / GMail account.

And, bizarrely, this only is for requesting an unblock on X/Twitter.  The mass blocks and bans on Discord and GitHub (source control) are, apparently, not available for appeal.



Those who have been "cleansed" must plead their case and give a specific reason why Godot, in their infinite mercy, should unban them.


So Many Questions


Naturally, The Lunduke Journal had some questions.


  • Has any action been taken against any individuals who engaged in the mass banning over the last few days?  Are those individuals still part of the Godot Team?
  • Does the Godot Foundation have a count of how many accounts have been banned and/or blocked (across GitHub, X, and Discord) during these actions?
  • How many of the blocked / banned accounts have been returned to normal?
Those questions (and a chance for providing comment) was sent to the creator of Godot, the Godot Foundation, and the Godot "Code of Conduct" team.
After a few hours, with no response of any kind from any member of the Godot Team, I joined the official Godot Discord server -- found the thread that was specifically created, by Godot, for people to ask questions regarding this issue -- and asked my questions again.



In less than 60 seconds, my questions were deleted by the Godot moderators.



As I sat there, in the Godot Discord topic -- specifically for asking questions about this issue -- I was amazed as I saw comment after comment, from a wide range of users, get deleted.  Right before my eyes.

More messages were deleted than were allowed to remain.

Journalists, users, developers... none were allowed to ask critical questions.  None allowed to express opinions contrary to the official statement from Godot.

What happens now is anyone's guess.  But Godot sure seems hell-bent on destroying themselves in a hurry.

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September 29, 2024
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Godot Game Engine Enacts Mass "Cleansing" of Non-Woke Supporters
Those who suggest Godot "focus on software" are labeled "filth of humanity" and "toxic pieces of [censored]".

The epidemic of discrimination -- and mass bannings -- of political undesirables (read: anyone other than Leftist Extremists) continues to plague the world of Open Source Software.

The NixOS Linux project recently enacted their, self-proclaimed, "purge" of people who they labeled "Nazis" (but who were, in fact, simply not-Leftists).  The openSUSE Linux distribution mass banned (and labeld as "rotten flesh") anyone who failed to enthusiastically wave the LGBT flag.  Python, elementary, GNOME, and more have all been committing mass-bannings of those who they view as having "politically wrong" ideals.

And now Godot -- the extremely popular, Open Source, video game development engine -- has succumbed to this disease.

Let The "Cleansing" Begin

Over the past two days, a huge number of Godot users, developers, and even financial supporters have been banned for suggesting that Godot -- a piece of software -- should be focused on software instead of politics.

This was in response to a post on the official Godot X account stating, "Apparently game engines are woke now?  Well then, we won't complain.  Show us your Wokot games below".



From that point forward the bannings appeared to occur quickly, and in large numbers (accompanied by scores of hidden replies and comments).

These bannings have occured across every platform where Godot operates: Including X, Discord, and even GitHub.




Yes.  Developers are being banned from the Godot source code repository on GitHub for the crime of either having the "wrong political ideas" or for suggesting that "Godot should focus on software".  Even if those statements were made on personal accounts on different online platforms.

The mass bannings have been issued for offenses even as simple as, literally, quoting the creator of Godot.



In a particularly peculiar move, a "Titanium Level" financial supporter of Godot was blocked during this mass banning campaign.



One Godot fan -- and vocal supporter of the bannings -- positively referred to these actions as a "cleansing", giving "utter respect to Godot for cleansing the community".



This mass "Cleansing" -- across all official Godot platforms -- appears to be spearheaded by an individual named "Nat" -- who describes herself as working in "Community and Communications" with Godot.  She also describes herself as "Obnoxiously Queer".



After the mass "Cleansing" was started, the creator of Godot replied to questions regarding the bannings by stating, "If you behave properly you should not be banned no matter what your political bias is.  Nobody has been instructed to ban people for who they follow or what they post in public." 



Following that up by stating, "Sure if you go and register in the forums and in your bio you write that your gender is attack helicopter, or if you make there any harassment or discrimination, that will be an instant ban."

As the bannings continued, fast and furious, another Godot moderator (who goes by the name of "xananax") posted the following to the Godot Discord server -- in response to people questioning the reasons and motives behind the mass bans.

Warning: The language used in these quotes is extraordinarily vulgar.  The Lunduke Journal is reproducing screenshots of them, as they were originally posted, for the sake of accuracy.



"You have no right of speech here, because I consider your speech to be toxic vomit.  If you think inviting queer people to share their games is 'politics', you're a toxic piece of [censored], an evil human, and I want you to feel disrespected.  And to [censored] off, as fast as you can".



Refering to those being banned by Godot, the Godot moderator stated, "They're the filth of humanity, and banning them is a kindness to everyone."

The Godot moderator continued by referencing the Godot tweet (which read: "Apparently game engines are woke now?  Well then, we won't complain."), by saing: "For me, the only problem of this tweet is that it doesn't happen every day, so more of those imbeciles can be banned.  They should be doing these tweets every 30mn, and anyone who has a problem with them can [censored] off to oblivion, and then [censored] off some more.  And anyone having any slight issue with it here can [censored] off too."

The Godot Community, Communication, and Moderation officials are certainly being quite clear about their actions and intentions.

The Lunduke Journal reached out to the creator of Godot as well as the Godot Foundation for comment.

What follows is the entire response from the Godot Foundation.


Hi Bryan, 

We intend to make an official statement on Monday.

We do have and enforce a Code of Conduct ( on our community channels. Appeals for bans can be made to the code of conduct team email address: [email protected]


Clay John, Board Member


Interestingly, Godot's team certainly seems to be in clear violation of their own Code of Conduct, which states the following:

  • Aggressive or offensive behavior is not acceptable.
  • You will be excluded from participating in the community if you insult, demean, harass, intentionally make others uncomfortable by any means, or participate in any other hateful conduct, either publicly or privately.

Otherwise, Godot declined to answer any questions (or provide any indication of what the contents of any future statement might be).  When, or if, there are additional comments from Godot, The Lunduke Journal will publish them.

Worth noting: As of the time of publication, all known bans remained in place.  No ban has been lifted... even more than 24 hours after the creator of Godot responded to notification of the ban.  Which would suggest, in the absense of any other information, that Godot management suports these "Cleansings".

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