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July 04, 2024

Proud to say, I've become a freedom-loving lifetime member on this glorious 4th of July!

The Lunduke is my kind of nerd. The Lunduke promotes truth and honor.

Keep it up, Lunduke! Because I'm sticking around for a while! 😀

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Ladybird Web Browser Developer Attacked by Unhinged, Dishonest Activists

Activists concoct wild, meritless accusations of "Transphobia" and "Human Slavery".

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Crazy Tech People Who Hate Lunduke - Part II

NixOS banned Lunduke! Linux Mint banned the word "Lunduke"! Drew DeVault says Lunduke is a threat to FOSS!

Read the article:

NixOS commits "purge" of "Nazi" contributors, forces abdication of founder

The Linux project descends into chaos as political activists enforce extremist politics.

Read the full article:

November 22, 2023
The futility of Ad-Blockers

Ads are filling the entirety of the Web -- websites, podcasts, YouTube videos, etc. -- at an increasing rate. Prices for those ad placements are plummeting. Consumers are desperate to use ad-blockers to make the web palatable. Google (and others) are desperate to break and block ad-blockers. All of which results in... more ads and lower pay for creators.

It's a fascinatingly annoying cycle. And there's only one viable way out of it.

Looking for the Podcast RSS feed or other links? Check here:

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The futility of Ad-Blockers
November 21, 2023
openSUSE says "No Lunduke allowed!"

Those in power with openSUSE make it clear they will not allow me anywhere near anything related to the openSUSE project. Ever. For any reason.

Well, that settles that, then! Guess I won't be contributing to openSUSE! 🤣

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openSUSE says "No Lunduke allowed!"
September 13, 2023
"Andreas Kling creator of Serenity OS & Ladybird Web Browser" - Lunduke’s Big Tech Show - September 13th, 2023 - Ep 044

This episode is free for all to enjoy and share.

Be sure to subscribe here at to get all shows & articles (including interviews with other amazing nerds).

"Andreas Kling creator of Serenity OS & Ladybird Web Browser" - Lunduke’s Big Tech Show - September 13th, 2023 - Ep 044
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15 hours ago
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We have an LCOS Forum!

It's completely stock at the moment. No categories. No default posts. Nothing. But the forum for The Lunduke Computer Operating System is alive!

As we get things setup, this will be where we handle all of the primary, day-to-day discussions around the system -- along with tech support, eventually.

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Last week at The Lunduke Journal (June 30 - July 6, 2024)
NixOS purges "Nazis". Ladybird Browser goes pro.

What a wild week!  If you're short on time, be sure to check out all of the the NixOS and Ladybird stories that broke this week.  Absolutely fascinating.

And, as usual, The Lunduke Journal is the only Tech Publication, in the whole gosh darned Universe, that is covering the NixOS "purge" story and the story about the attacks on Ladybird.

The Videos

The Articles

Previous Few Weeks

Reminder: Check out The Lunduke Journal Link Central page for all the handy URLS.  Podcast RSS feeds, contact info, direct links to some of the big shows and articles and a bunch of other goodies.  And be sure to subscribe to The Lunduke Journal to help support the work... and make sure you don't miss out on anything.

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Funny Programming Pictures Part XLVII
The best Ctrl-C Ctrl-V this side of the Mississippi!


"Worth it!" -- John Connor


How much do we want to spend?  LESS THAN IS REASONABLE!


Maybe we should call it Lasagna Code.  Or Garlic Bread code.  I'm hungry.


But make it Perl.  Only compiled.




Wait.  Is that... is that possible?  Ok, now I need to try that...


That is one stressed out kitty.


The important part here is that this joke has nothing to do with Rust.


See!?  Even the old guy from that one cartoon says it!


This... this... sounds kinda fantastic.


"No.  Seriously.  Stop refa". "BIG PLANS."


That listener is wicked sneaky.


It's funny because everybody gets called a Nazi now.


Aaaand, we end with a joke that will get me yelled at.  Because... why not!
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Lunduke Computer Operating System Status - July 5, 2024
Licensing & Governance!

This was a rather quiet week for the Lunduke Computer Operating System (LCOS).  It is Independence Day here in the USA, and I took a little time off to celebrate with the family.  Likewise, one of the key early developers (working on the first version of our image creation script) took the week off to go camping.

Family time is important.  As is good BBQ.

Just the same, two very critical decisions were made this week.  Decisions which will have far reaching implications for the future of the project.

BSD Licensing

For all 100% original code (developed specifically for the Lunduke Computer Operating System), the BSD 2-Clause license will be utilized.

The BSD 2-Clause was selected for a wide variety of reasons.  Notably: simplicity, flexibility, and the fact that it has been well tested for over a quarter of a century (as the primary license of the FreeBSD project).

Also known as the "Simplified BSD License", it contains only two clauses:

  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

This license will be used for the imaging scripts, installation software, and any original software built for LCOS.

Of course, it goes without saying that a complete, functional LCOS installation will include a wide variety of licenses (from a wide variety of pieces of software).  But the parts we specifically build will use the BSD 2-Clause by default.

Government Structure

There are a great many issues plaguing many Free and Open Source Software projects -- often stemming from individuals, with motives contrary to the original vision of the project, gaining control over moderation or governance.

We see this happening in a number of different Linux Distrubutions and projects right now... and it just plain sucks.

In order to prevent this from taking place, The Lunduke Computer Operating System will be a monarchy.

While multiple, specialized governmental organizations may be created within the project (to fill specific needs)... a monarch will sit at the head, with the authority to override any and all decisions made by any such governmental bodies.

Some projects call this role a "Benevolent Dictator".  We call it a monarch.  For no other reason than because I like the sound of it.

All hail, King Lunduke.

Lots To Do

There remains a tremendous amount of work to do in these early days -- with a pretty hefty to-do list to crank through in the weeks ahead.  But progress is being made.  Even during holidays.

Regally yours,
-King Lunduke

Past Status Reports

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