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NixOS commits a "purge" of "Nazi" contributors, forces abdication of founder
The Linux project descends into chaos as political activists enforce extremist politics.
July 02, 2024
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The NixOS project -- a Linux distribution and packaging system which has achieved significant success -- has descended into chaos as political activists seek to implement extreme, discriminatory policies... and ban those who raise objections to the discrimination.

As the political activists within NixOS put it: They are committing a "purge" of people they call "Nazis".

First, a little background to set the stage for this wild tale...

Not actively pro-Trans?  You're a Nazi!

There is a significant, easily observable pattern of extreme bullying emerging within the Linux & Open Source world: One where people are forced to declare allegiance to "Trans Issues", or face severe consequences.

The typical pattern, within any given software project or company, goes something like this:

  1. Trans Activists bully people into giving a disproportionately large amount of power (and praise) to people who identify as "Trans" -- often discriminating against "non-Trans" people in the process.
  2. If someone raises concerns regarding that discrimination: That person is called a "Nazi", "White Supremacist", and "Transphobe".
  3. That person is then banned from the project, community, or company (likewise, anyone who defends or agrees with that person is also banned).

Note: It is not necessary for a person to say anything even remotely negative about "Trans" people or issues in order to be banned and attacked by the Trans Activists.  The simple act of objecting to discrimination of non-Trans people is enough to provoke attacks and bullying.

A few recent examples of this bullying within major Linux and Open Source projects:

Now, it appears, we can add NixOS to that prestigious list.

The NixOS "Trans Only" Committee Seat

This story begins, as most wild tales do, in an incredibly dull way.

Back in April, 2024, leadership within NixOS saught to create a new committee (focused on approving monetary sponsors of Nix).

I know.  A committee talking about sponsorships.  Boring, right?  Trust me, this gets crazy.

A small group of individuals -- who are best described as "Political Activists" -- demanded that this small committee must include dedicated seats for people identified as "Gender Minority".  (Aka: "Trans" People.)


Source: Nix Sponsorship Policy Discussion, 2024-04-07


Some NixOS project contributors raised concerns about having dedicated voting seats for one specific "minority group" (but not for others).

The core of these concerns seemed to be that this was, effectively, discriminating against some groups in order to provide a disproportionate advantage for one specific group (Trans).


Source: NixOS forum


So far, this is a pretty simple story.

  • One group wants a dedicated "Trans only" seat on a voting committee.
  • Another group is concerned that this would be discriminatory.
  • The two disagree... and discuss.

Straight forward -- and boring -- right?

Unfortunately, things get dark.  Really dark.  In a hurry.

The NixOS "Purge"

Instead of the two sides discussing their differences -- and coming to some sort of agreement -- the political activists (the "Trans Only Seat" group) decided to take a more... intense approach.

They began, what they called, a "purge".


Source: Mastodon screenshot of a chat session


"What is needed is a purge," stated one of the NixOS leaders who advocated for the "Trans Only Seat", referring to people who disagreed with his stance.

"I don't disagree," stated another.

The desire to conduct a "purge" continued... with the libelous attacks ramping up.


Source: Mastodon


This same NixOS leader referred to the NixOS project as a "Nazi bar" (referring to many of the people raising objections to the "Trans Only Seat")... reiterated the need for a "purge"... and finished it off with an image of the Antifa flag.

Context of using the Antifa Flag: Within the United States, many local governments and organizations consider Antifa to be a violent, terrorist organization.  Antifa has claimed responsibility for several terrorist attacks (including riots, attempts to burn down Federal government buildings, and violent assaults on journalists).  "Antifa" has a track record of labeling any who oppose them as "Nazis".  That this symbol would be used, by NixOS Foundation Leadership, while calling for a "purge" of the "Nazis" they disagree with, is significant and worth noting.

On April 21st, 2024, the "Purge" begins.


Source: NixOS Moderation Log of some people banned as part of "the purge".


Over the days that followed, several contributors to NixOS were suspended from the project -- including forums and other communication systems (with some individuals, eventually, completely banned).

After an exhaustive search, The Lunduke Journal was unable to find a single instance where the banned and suspended individuals made any derogatory statements against "Trans" individuals or any other groups.

These "purged" people were labeled as "Nazis" by some NixOS leaders... in many cases because they were not sufficiently supportive of the concept of a "Trans Only Seat" on a voting committee (among other political topics).

It didn't stop with the rank-and-file contributors to NixOS, either.  It went all the way to the top, with accusations being posted regarding the founder of Nix, Eelco Dolstra.  Prompting a response from the Nix founder.


Source: Blog post by Nix founder, Eelco Dolstra


"I must express my deep disappointment and disbelief at the accusation of excluding people from minority or marginalized backgrounds," stated the Nix founder in a blog post on April 26th.

The following day, the Nix Foundation Board denounced the words of the Nix founder.

Then -- and this seriously happened -- the Nix Foundation Board began drafting an abdication letter on behalf of the NixOS founder.


Screenshot of the Google Doc where the abdication letter was drafted.


This is real.  Eelco Dolstra, the founder of Nix, had an abdication letter written for him and was pressured into signing it.  One of the drafters made a note to the Nix Founder that he must add himself as a signatory of the letter "for it to appear amicable".

The abdication letter was posted, with the Nix Founder as a signatory, on April 30th.

The NixOS Saga is Not Finished

This, truly, is a crazy tale.

Political extremists taking over a successful Open Source project -- from the inside -- and imposing wild, discriminatory, political policies.  Followed by the vilification -- and mass "purge" -- of any who opposed their extremist politics... culminating in the (seemingly forced) abdication of the founder of the project itself.

And, perhaps even more wild, is the fact that this is only a small fraction of the NixOS story.

A story with a huge number of players, and hundreds of pages of documents.  In-fighting.  Abuse.  Politics.  And more than a few swear words.

What's more... the saga continues to unfold, with NixOS itself currently in a state of chaos at the hands of a small number of political activists.

But the rest of this story... is for another day.

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This episode is free for all to enjoy and share.

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4 hours ago

I can see why the person selling the mobile internet hotspot needed to "confirm" my email.

Jokes on them. I'm taking my own advice and using an alias email for their service. Spam away, fools.

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I wonder if we haven't unwittingly written our own demise by prophesying so often that AI goes wrong and takes over the world.... and then training all the models with all those stories.

quick, people, let's write lots of stories where AI goes wonderful! and then keep feeding those into the machine :)

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Mount a drive image from a remote server... on DOS.
Want your D:\ to point to an image running on a Linux box across the world? Yeah, you do.

I'm a sucker for software which makes aging operating systems more useful.  As such, I am absolutely enamored with a new DOS utiltity called "mTCP NetDrive".

What is NetDrive?

"NetDrive is a DOS device driver that allows you to access a remote disk image hosted by another machine as though it was a local device with an assigned drive letter. The remote disk image can be a floppy disk image or a hard drive image."

Yeah.  Mount -- read and write -- a drive image remotely (anywhere in the world).  From DOS.



mTCP -- a suite of networking tools for DOS (like Ping, a DHCP client, an FTP client, etc.) -- has been around for a long time.  The developer, Michael Brutman, has truly done a phenomenal job building and mainting all of those tools.

But NetDrive really turns things up to 11.

  • You can place disk image on a server (remote or local) and mount it from any DOS machine.  The whole thing uses UDP.
  • The DOS driver uses less than 6 KB of RAM.  Keeping driver overhead low on DOS machines is important.
  • The drive images are simple raw disk images -- which means we can mount and manipulate them easily.
  • You can even mount multiple images at once -- from multiple different servers.

Oh!  The server is a lightweight application that runs (with no need for root access) on Linux or Windows.  Want to host your DOS images on a Raspberry Pi?  Yes.  You do.



What's more, the local DOS system simply recognizes the mounted drive as a standard hard drive (mounted as a configurable drive letter).  Which means that just about any software should work on it without difficulty.

Even disk management and optimization tools, like Norton Utilities, work fantastically.



As you can imagine, using NetDrive over the Internet can get a bit pokey.  Especially on a less-than-speedy connection.  But over a local network?  The darn thing runs at a very usable speed.

And -- even with potential speed issues when running on a remote server -- I absolutely love the idea of having a set of DOS drive images which I can mount from anywhere.  Heck.  I could even share some of those images with friends -- to use as a sort of DOS repository.

The developer has even added features like "undo" and "checkpoints" to make it easy to roll back "woopsies".  On a DOS drive image.  Mounted on a remote server.

Come on.

That's just nifty.

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September 03, 2024
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Watch the planes in the sky near you... from your Linux terminal.
Because who doesn't want a mini, text-mode Air Traffic Control Center in their shell?

Ready to have you mind blown by one of the coolest command line (Text User Interface) pieces of software I've seen in a long time?

Behold the awesomeness of adsb_deku!

While the name may not exaclty roll of the tongue... what it does is truly radical (in the 1980s sense of the word).

In short: It allows you to watch the flight paths of planes in your area.  Visually.  It's like a mini air traffic control center.  In your Linux terminal.

Seriously.  Check this out.



Keep watching.  Then watch it again.  Awesome.

Adsb_deku works by using a Software Defined Radio -- to capture ADS-B (short for Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast) data from 1090Mhz -- and then deserialize that data using the deku library ("ADS-B" deserialized using "deku"... hence the name "adsb-deku").

The results are then displayed using the Ratatui library (which is specifically for making visually impressive terminal applications).

Do I have any real, practical need for monitoring the planes in the sky using my terminal?

No.  No, I do not.

But the fact that I can -- assuming I pick up a Software Defined Radio (which... now I feel like I have to) -- is freaking awesome.

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Last week at The Lunduke Journal (Aug 25 - Aug 31, 2024)
Telegram CEO arrested! Zuck grows a conscience! Pop!_OS won't work with Linux!

The Telegram CEO gets arrested in France.  Mark Zuckerberg spontaneously grows a conscience.  The Pop!_OS / System76 Lead Engineer refuses to work with Linux kernel developers.

What a weird friggin' week.  I'll be honest.  Didn't have any of those on my bingo card for the week.

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