Week number 2 of The Lunduke Computer Operating System is in the can! It's exciting to see things quickly take shape -- both from a technical and organizational point of view.
Here's a quick look at some of what went on this week.
First Contributor Onboarding
The first handful of contributors have been onboarded this week -- with developer accounts on our GitLab project. While we're sitll a couple days off from many tasks being opened up to the contributors, this was a key step.
Additional contributors will be setup over the next week as we get more portions of the project rolling. If you've reached out to me to express your interest in being part of the project, you're on the list. No need to check in with me just yet.
Logo Awesomeness
First, Don Thornton created an SVG version of the Lunduke Computer Operating System Logo. Based on the bitmap one... but... you know... vector. Which means we can do a lot more with it (and scale it to a much higher resolution.
Then Duncan rolled in and used his "Blender-fu" to create this awesome looking render.
Which... not gonna lie... I love it.
Build Environment and Scripting
Work continued this week on documenting the OS build environment, as well as preparing the early revision of the build script for initial publication.
At the current rate, the first version of both the documentation (which will live on the Wiki) and the script should be published in the next few days.
On that note: Another work item that needs to be tackled pretty quickly (ideally before the next week is out) is to document the workflow for submitting changes. That way all contributors will know exactly how to submit their code contributions. It's a small thing, but important.
The Forum
After a great deal of back and forth -- and investigating -- a decision has been reached on how to host the official Forum. If all goes according to plan, that should be up and running this weekend.
We took a few extra days to make sure we got this right -- as this is where much of the official organizing and decision making for the project will occur. We'll need to live with this decision for some time.
Once the forum is live, it will be linked to directly from Lunduke.com.