News • Science & Tech
The Best Command-Line-Only Video Games, Part II
Because one list of ridiculously awesome, text-only games just isn't enough.
March 03, 2024
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If you plunk down "Best terminal games" into any search engine... you're going to find a whole heck of a lot of the same results.  Repeated.  Over and over again.

Article after article listing the same text-based, simplified versions of Space Invaders, Tetris, and Sudoku.

Which is fine.  We need fun little versions of those games in our Linux (or macOS, or Windows) shell.

But... what if you're looking for something... more?  Deeper games.  More visually impressive games.  But still entirely in your text-mode shell?

It was for this very reason that I published -- some time back -- a list of the "Best Command-Line-Only Games".  And, while that first list is -- indeed -- truly awesome... we have only scratched the surface of amazing terminal games.

So buckle up, Buttercup.  Because I've got some more awesome text-mode games for you.  Behold!  Part 2!


Scorched Earth (aka "The Mother of All Games") was a mainstay of DOS gaming in the early 1990s. 

Take turns launching a variety of munitions (with adjusted angles and power) at your friends.  A simple, but addictive formula -- one which the "Worms" series of games has used for years.

And "Gorched" recreates the core of that game... entirely in ANSI / ASCII art.  All right in your terminal.

The Mother of All ASCII Games

Awesome, right?  The darn thing even has clouds floating through the sky.  Not too shabby for a Shell-only game.


What if you could play DOOM... entirely in a terminal?

Not a 2D recreation... the actual game.  3D.  But... you know... in ASCII art instead of pixels?

Yeah.  It's real.

I'm not kidding here.  It's DOOM.  And it's playable.

How rad is that?!  

Curse of War

Here's a slightly unconventional Real-Time Strategy game: Curse of War.

The overall mechanics are pretty simple and approachable: move your armies, build your infrastructure, get more resources.  But you don't build and maneuver a bunch of specific units.  It's much more... high level.

Pokete - Grey Edition

This is, essentially, a Pokemon like game.  For Linux.  In ASCII art.

Which... awesome.

Simple.  Recognizable.  Yeah, it's Pokemon.  Kinda.

Battles.  Exploration.  It's all here.  And, while there are some rough edges, the overall game is not too darn shabby!


Take the overall look of Wolfenstein 3D.  Implement it entirely in a 3D ASCII engine.

It's not really much like the original game which inspired it.  It's more of a simple maze game.  But it looks like Wolfenstein 3D in the terminal.  Which is nifty.

Impressive, right?  And it runs on Windows, Mac, & Linux (though it does require Ruby).


This one is a little... different.

It's a shell game... built entirely to teach people who to use UNIX style shell commands.

The player goes on a series of missions in a fantasy world... and the only way to accomplish your goals... is to learn to use commands like "ls" and "pwd".

Nifty, right?

Brogue: Community Edition

You can't go wrong with a good Rogue-like!  Hack!  Slash!  ASCII!

And Brogue is a truly excellent one.

Randomly generated, 26-level dungeon.  Both complex and visually pleasing.  While there are oh-so-many Rogue-like games in this world, Brogue is worth at least a quick look.

That brings us to the end of this list.  If you haven't checked out the previous list, I highly recommend it.  There are a great many, truly fantastic text-mode games in this world... and it would be a shame to miss out on any of them.

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Looking for the Podcast RSS feed or other links?

Give the gift of The Lunduke Journal:

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September 13, 2023
"Andreas Kling creator of Serenity OS & Ladybird Web Browser" - Lunduke’s Big Tech Show - September 13th, 2023 - Ep 044

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Be sure to subscribe here at to get all shows & articles (including interviews with other amazing nerds).

"Andreas Kling creator of Serenity OS & Ladybird Web Browser" - Lunduke’s Big Tech Show - September 13th, 2023 - Ep 044

I just bought a cheap HP EliteDesk 705 G4 DM 35W ($60).

It had windows of course... First Ubuntu wouldn't install. Never finished twice. Tried OpenMandriva but I got that splash-thingy error during install from Ventoy. Then Kubuntu 24.10 which installed quickly. First no wifi's appeared. Rebooted and all good.
Then max res was only 1920x1080 on my 42 inch 4k screen. ChatGPT gave me all kinds of terminal stuff to try and force higher res but it all failed. It seems like it is the cheap Displayport to HDMI adapter that does not support any higher resolutions. Will get another DP 1.4 4K adapter and try again.

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I decided to do a video episode for New-Old Stock this time to introduce my PowerMac I'll be using for #MARCHintosh. It's a video for paid subscribers, but there is a 7 and a half minute free preview, or you can unlock it if you haven't unlocked your 1 free paid post before. More #MARCHintosh stuff is in the works, but those will probably just be articles. Figured I'd dabble in the video world a little. Let me know what you think.

February 24, 2025
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12% of Tech Workers Believe macOS is Based on Linux
Over 70% believe in at least one common Myth of Computer History.

The following data was derived from the 2025 Tech Industry Demographic Survey, which included over 12,000 respondents -- from across companies and organizations throughout the Tech Industry -- surveyed during February of 2025.


Ready to have your mind blown?

According to those surveyed:

  • Nearly 12% believe that macOS is based on Linux.
  • Over 70% believe in at least one common Myth of Computer History.
  • The most commonly believed myth (at 52%) is the myth that "the first computer bug was a real bug (a moth)".


Those who took the survey were presented with 6 common (but debunked) computer history myths... and were asked to select the myths which they believed to be true and factual historical statements.

Here is the breakdown of how many believed in each myth.



One rather fascinating piece of data: Those percentages held steady for nearly every demographic group within the survey.

For example:

Roughly 12% of respondents who prefer Linux, believe macOS is based on Linux.  The same was true of Windows users, C / C++ programmers, and those who perfer the Firefox Web Browser... no matter what sub-group was looked at... that number stayed roughly steady (around 12%).

The one outlier appeared when I looked at how many myths a person says they believe in... grouped by generic political leanings (Left, Centrist, or Right Leaning).


Notice that the percentage of respondents who "Believe at least one myth" or "Believes 4+ myths" stays roughly consistent (with only mild variances) across all three political groupings.

But, if you look at the "Believes 3+ myths" data, there is an 8% spike among those who identify as "Left Leaning".

While all surveyed were likely to believe at least one myth, "Left Leaning" respondents were slightly more likely to believe up to 3 myths (of the 6 presented).


The Myths of Computer History


For those curious, here are the 6 myths included in the survey (with links to debunk each of them).  


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February 18, 2025
Lunduke's Birthday! Woo!

Wooo! Today is Lunduke’s birthday! Want to help celebrate this most excellent of holidays? Here’s some totally radical ideas!

1) Share some links to Lunduke Journal shows.

Bonus points if you share those shows to the type of places where people would get mad about it. 🤣

The “Open Source is Anti-Free Speech” video is a great choice. Just remember to take screenshots… because some sites will censor those links faster than you can blink (be sure to let me know if they do censor).

2) Grab a Subscription

Gotta keep the lights on here at The Lunduke Journal! And, shoot, there’s no better gift than the gift of Big-Tech-Free Journalism. 😎

Plus… for the rest of February there’s some massive discounts (like 50% off).

So, you know, win-win!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go eat some BBQ. Because… birthday.


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February 13, 2025
For February: 50% off Subscriptions, 50% off DRM-Free Downloads, Lifetime Subscriptions available

2025 is off to an amazing start for The Lunduke Journal.

The number of people getting their Big-Tech-Free Tech News from The Lunduke Journal is shooting through the roof. Subscriptions (of every kind) are soaring.

And The Lunduke Journal is now available on a wide variety of platforms — with our core community area now consolidating on our own, self-hosted forum (which is exclusively available to subscribers).

With the tidal wave of new people — many of you wanting access to the new, exclusive Forum — I want to make it as easy as possible for everyone to become a part of what we are doing. Time to do something a bit crazy. Massive discounts on subscriptions (I mean… huge). For the entire month of February.

Yup. The whole gosh darned month.

If it’s February, the discounts below are all available. Choose whatever works best for you. Then feel awesome about supporting truly independent Tech Journalism.

50% Off Yearly Subscription:

50% off a Yearly subscription to The Lunduke Journal via both Locals and Substack. (This includes full access to the community Forum.)

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New Lifetime Subscriptions are available, for $200, from now through February 28th.

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