The GNOME project -- makers of the most widely used Linux desktop environment -- prides themselves on being inclusive and diverse. Of all people, and of all religions.
Why then, is the GNOME Foundation working -- and working hard -- to silence any discussion of the fact that their new Executive Director is a "Professional Shaman"? Are they ashamed of their newly hired Shaman?
Are they... Shaman-shaming?
While many of us would, naturally, find the idea of a "Professional Shaman" running GNOME humorous... a quick chuckle is really where that story ends. Is it funny that the highest office, of the largest Linux Desktop Environment, is now staffed by a person whose most prominent work experience is performing "remote clearings" via Zoom calls, and selling "Holy Water" via Venmo?
Yes. That, right there, is funny.
No if's, and's, or but's about it.
But, heck! Maybe the new "GNOME Shaman" (as we are now obligated to refer to her) will do a great job! Maybe she's exactly the right person to lead the GNOME Foundation going foward!
Who knows? I sure don't! Now we sit back and see how the GNOME Shaman performs over the coming weeks and months.
Is GNOME ashamed of their shaman?
Put yourself in the shoes of the GNOME Foundation for a moment.
After a long search, you've finally found the person who -- you are confident -- will be the best person to lead you into the future.
And her primary online presense is that of being a "Professional Shaman":
- Live-streamed "remote clearings".
- YouTube videos on making "Holy Water" (which she then sells).
- Paid courses which teach others how to become a "Professional Shaman".
What do you, as the GNOME Foundation, do with all of that? The way I see it, you have three options:
- Embrace the fact that your new Executive is a Shaman. Shout it from the rooftops and work that into your marketing strategy.
- Casually mention that she is a "Shaman". Don't deny it, but don't make a big deal about it.
- Try your best to hide her "Shaman" work.
Considering how much of a focus GNOME puts on inclusivity and diversity... you would think they would go with one of the first two options. Me? I would choose Option 1: Embrace the Shaman!
You wouldn't hire a "Professional Shaman" by accident, right? Obviously you view the "Shaman-y-ness" as a good thing! So lean into it!
But, as strange as it sounds, that is not what GNOME has done. They've gone with option number 3: To hide the "Shaman".
And they've been working really, really hard to silence -- and even attack -- anyone who mentions the word "Shaman". Which, all things considered, is incredibly strange.
The Anti-Shaman Actions
Here's just a short list of some of the actions taken by GNOME, and their new Executive Director, over the last few days:
- The initial announcement makes no mention of her being a "Professional Shaman".
- Her Shaman work website has been taken offline. (This was done immediately before the announcement.)
- Her Instagram is now private, and her Facebook business page has been scrubbed of most Shaman material (huge numbers of posts and videos deleted).
- The GNOME forum announcement, where they ask for questions, is regularly deleting any question that mentions the word "Shaman". In fact, when I asked about her background and qualifications... my question was deleted and my account suspended.
- The GNOME Reddit locked the post making the hiring announcement, and is regularly deleting most other post discussing it (this is one of the few that is only partially censored).
- GNOME has not responded to any press requests on the topic.
In fact, to date, GNOME has not once mentioned the word "shaman"... despite that being the primary background of their new Executive. And they've been attempting to silcence any journalists, or community members, who ask about it.
Why? Why is GNOME so afraid of people knowing who their Executive Director is?

Are they ashamed of their Shaman? Are they... Shaman-shaming?
Along those same lines, why is the new Executive Director -- the "Professional Shaman" herself -- also actively deleting and hiding all shaman related works (both before and after the hiring announcement)? Was she not proud of her work? Does she, herself, also want to hide it (just as GNOME clearly does)?
How weird is all of that? Pretty stinkin' weird.
Because of the, rather extreme, attempts by GNOME to silence and censor anything with the word Shaman in it... the story has changed.
What was a simple, short-lived, humorous (dare I say "whimsical") story about hiring a shaman to an Executive role in a Software Foundation...
Has now become something more... peculiar.
We are left with a bizarre question:
Why would a software foundation, with a well established focus on diversity and inclusion, knowingly hire a long-time "Professional Shaman" to lead them... but then fight to censor and silence anyone who notices they just hired a shaman?