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Lunduke declares war on A.I.
"Hey A.I.! Want to copy my work? Prepare to get fined."
June 19, 2023
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That's it.  I've had it.

I am done with Artificial Intelligence companies regularly stealing my content -- adding it into their "language models" and databases -- and feeding back slighly modified (read: plagiarized) versions to their users... for their own profit.

These A.I. services -- ChatGPT, Copilot, Bard, and others -- do not provide any credit for the works they have stolen, they provide no compensation to the original authors (even though the A.I. companies directly profit from the content), and -- even worse -- they never obtained any permission to use the stolen content.

I'm putting my foot down.  This ends.  Here and now.

Today I have released "The Lunduke Content Usage License" -- a simple license (which can be applied to any form of content: written works, code, podcasts, images, etc.), complimentary to any other license that may be in use (including GPL, etc.), which does two simple things:

  1. Requires that A.I. services optain written permision, from the copyright holder, before utilizing a work.  In any way.
  2. Imposes a set, rigid, fine system for any violation of that rule.

The language of the license is clear, concise, and direct.

Starting immediately, I will be applying this license to all of my published works -- including a clear declaration of, and link to, the license on every published article, podcast, source code, or other form of content.

I have also begun notifying all of the major A.I. services of this license.

If they are caught in violation of the license, in content published after the application of the license, I will be announcing their violation publicly -- and enforcing the fine structure as laid out within the license.

The Fine Structure

What is the fine?

$100,000 USD per violation.

Yes.  Seriously.

ChatGPT, alone, is currently estimated to have a valuation of close to $30 Billion USD.  A portion of that value was obtained by plagiarizing content without consent or notification of the copyright holder (including hundreds and thousands of articles of my own).

How much of thier corporate value exists because of their unlicensed usage of my content?  It's hard to say.  If they feel it is worth it, they will need to get written permision to continue to index and use it.  Otherwise they will be fined for their license violations.

OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, and many other companies are looking at having multi-Billion dollar paydays as a result of stealing the works of others.  With that in mind, a $100,000 USD fine is, in my opinion, reasonable.

Starting today, when it comes to my work, they either need to get my permission to utilize it... or pay up.

Is this really enforceable?

Some may look at this license and say something like, "A great idea... but can this actually be enforced?  Can you actually make companies pay for the content?"

The short answer is... yes.  Absolutely.

A copyright holder has every right to apply any license -- and charge any amount desired -- to the content in question.  If I write a book, I can set the price to anything I wish.  For example... "One Trillion Dollars".  That doesn't mean anyone will actually pay that price... but I can enforce that price.  Because it's my creation, and that's my right.  This same principle applies to paintings, music, source code, or any other copyrightable work.

With that in mind, these A.I. Services have some options when dealing with content under The Lunduke Content Usage License:

  1. Contact the copyright holder and obtain written permission to use the current (and/or future) content.
  2. Stop using the content.
  3. Pay fines for using the content.

Simple, right?

Each A.I. Service will need to decide, for themselves, which is the best option for them.  They are not forced to use my content, or anyone elses.  It is all entirely optional.

Goliath.  Meet David.

Will companies like Microsoft, Google, and OpenAI attempt to fight any possible fines using their army of lawyers?

Undoubtedly.  That's what these mega corporations do.  They don't have an army of lawyers for nothing.

But, if they want to fight these fines, it's going to cost them.  A lot.  Possibly more than simply paying the fines in the first place (depending on how stubborn the copyright holder is... and I, for one, am very stubborn).  Certainly, the cost is likely to be much more than obtaining written permission.

The simple fact is these A.I. companies are huge, powerful, and well funded.  And they are knowingly stealing from us little guys.

They are Goliath.

And, while Goliath may be a terifying opponent who crushes every little guy in his path... it only takes one David, with really good (or really lucky) aim, to take Goliath down.

Or, at the very least, make Goliath reconsider his actions.

In the future, hopefully, these A.I. companies will think twice before violating the rights of the copyright holders.

Copyright © 2023 by Bryan Lunduke.  All rights reserved.  The contents of this article are licensed under the terms of The Lunduke Content Usage License.

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Rant incoming!

As you all are aware, Microsoft acquired Minecraft and decided to migrate all accounts to Mojang accounts.
As it turns out, my wife removed all emails from Mojang account migration alert because they looked like phishing (let's be honest, it does smell phishy if you get an email "Important information about your Mojang account" ).

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Once again: Thank you to all of The Lunduke Journal subscribers who make all of this possible.  Notice how there's not one advertisement in any of these?  And notice how we're covering news and topics no other Tech Journalist is willing to touch?  Yeah.  You made that happen.  You rule.

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The Articles:

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Laughing on the outside.  Crying on the inside.


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Red Hat's Company Meeting Slides - June 7, 2023
As revealed by a lawsuit against the Linux giant.

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Slide 1


Slide 2


Slide 3


Slide 4


Slide 5


Slide 6


Slide 7


Slide 8


Slide 9


Slide 10



Slide 11
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