Just a quick reminder that "macOS Sucks" will be taking place this next weekend!
Saturday, June 10th, at Noon Central Time. That is:
- 10am Pacific
- 1pm Eastern
- 5pm UTC
The live video will stream only on Lunduke.Locals.com -- and will only be available to subscribers. So make sure you have full access to Lunduke.Locals.com by then!
I've been looking forward to this show for a long, long time. I have several decades worth of complaints about Mac OS (or "macOS" or whatever the heck Apple is calling it at any given moment) saved up. And I need to vent.
The live show will last roughly 1 hour and the full recording will be posted later on in the day for those who miss the live version (or simply want to watch it... repeatedly... because it's going to be awesome).
Again: Both the live and recorded version will only be available on Lunduke.Locals.com. And only for full subscribers / supporters.