Just a couple quick reminders of some upcoming and current events at The Lunduke Journal:
Command Line Week Continues — The third day of Command Line Week is about to wrap up and continues until next Wednesday morning! (If you want to take advantage of that Command Line Week deal of Founding Member of Lifetime Subscriptions — which is a pretty good way to get full access to Lunduke.Locals.com on the cheap — that is still available.)
Saturday, October 15th @ 11am Eastern — Video hangout for all Founding Member and Lifetime Subscribers. This will be held at the usual URL (which I will send out before hand for the new subscribers) — if you don’t have it (or don’t get it by an hour before tomorrow’s chat), feel free to send me a private message on Lunduke.Locals.com and I’ll get it to you.
Saturday, October 15th @ 12pm Eastern — Text Chat for all subscribers (with Locals access) on Lunduke.Locals.com.
There are a few upcoming events as well, a bit further down the line.
October 21st — Next video chat for Founding Members and Lifetime Subscribers
November 9th — Haiku Week
November 12th @ 12pm Eastern — “macOS Sucks” live event
December 7th — PDA Week
January 4th — 8 Bit Computer Week