Locals Article functionality first impressions.
Ok. So now that I've played around with the new ability to format and publish articles to Locals... I have some thoughts!
1) Super intuitive. The UI and formatting is nearly identical to Substack (which I'm guessing is intentional). Big thumbs up.
2) Copying and pasting from Substack works perfectly, near as I can tell. This is also a HUGE win.
3) Articles are completely different things than a standard text post on Locals. Which... at first I was unhappy about. But, the more I think on it, the more sense it makes. It's easy to differentiate between the two -- and articles can be added to playlists or the Content section to make them easier to find. So I've come around on that.
4) There doesn't seem to be the ability to set an article as "Only for Supporters" like you can with posts. It would be nice to have this (so I can also post the exclusive Substack articles here directly, just for supporters). UPDATE: This is totally doable. I just missed the button. lol!
5) RSS feed would be nice. I like RSS feeds. I wasn't expecting that functionality (at least not at first) as we don't have RSS for Podcasts here on Locals. But I'd like it. Even if only a small fraction of folks use it. Barring that it would be interesting to have a way to publicly share a feed of all the articles (good for content discovery).
6) Would rule to be able to author an article from within the Locals app. This isn't something that Substack provides -- but it would be nifty. At least... on occasion. Not critical though as I'm usually at a computer for article writing.
This is a huge win. For a first iteration, the Locals team did an absolutely fantastic job with this. And, honestly, even if the couple things I mentioned above never get addressed... it's still a BIG win. I'm happy with it.
Hey @AssafLev : Nice work, my dude! Keep it up! Pass a long a high-five from me to whoever worked on this!