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The Lunduke Journal covers the stories that no other Tech News outlet is willing to touch. From major leaks from IBM, Red Hat, & Microsoft -- to in-depth investigations into Mozilla, Wikipedia, and The Linux Foundation -- many stories only get covered by The Lunduke Journal.

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Open Source is not Socialism (or Communism)

No. Free Software and Open Source Software are not Socialist or Communist in nature. If anything, Open Source is a distinctly Capitalist concept.

How much RAM will you need in 5 years?

Apple and Microsoft recently bumped their minimum system requirements to 16 gigs of RAM (mostly to accommodate new AI features in Windows and macOS).

How much RAM will we need to have in 5 years? Let's look at the RAM usage trajectory of personal computers to figure out what we'll need to have in the near future.

November 22, 2023
The futility of Ad-Blockers

Ads are filling the entirety of the Web -- websites, podcasts, YouTube videos, etc. -- at an increasing rate. Prices for those ad placements are plummeting. Consumers are desperate to use ad-blockers to make the web palatable. Google (and others) are desperate to break and block ad-blockers. All of which results in... more ads and lower pay for creators.

It's a fascinatingly annoying cycle. And there's only one viable way out of it.

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The futility of Ad-Blockers
November 21, 2023
openSUSE says "No Lunduke allowed!"

Those in power with openSUSE make it clear they will not allow me anywhere near anything related to the openSUSE project. Ever. For any reason.

Well, that settles that, then! Guess I won't be contributing to openSUSE! 🤣

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openSUSE says "No Lunduke allowed!"
September 13, 2023
"Andreas Kling creator of Serenity OS & Ladybird Web Browser" - Lunduke’s Big Tech Show - September 13th, 2023 - Ep 044

This episode is free for all to enjoy and share.

Be sure to subscribe here at to get all shows & articles (including interviews with other amazing nerds).

"Andreas Kling creator of Serenity OS & Ladybird Web Browser" - Lunduke’s Big Tech Show - September 13th, 2023 - Ep 044
Is Open Source Socialism?

Let's see how wildly folks disagree with my stance on this. 🤣

Pick the one that most closely matches what you think is correct. (I know, I know. It's not always so cut and dried. Just pick the closest.)

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19 hours ago

I just joined all you crazy fools here, and I'm interested in any and all recommendations you have of what to check out first, or otherwise do. Looking forward to neat things and stuff. Enjoy your weekends!

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Last week at The Lunduke Journal (June 23 - June 29, 2024)
Microsoft Write! Computers in 1961! Ridiculous Amounts of RAM! Socialism!

This week I decided, on a bit of a whim, to publish the 2024 edition of "Linux Sucks" over on YouTube.  Of course, all of you on have had that show since February (along with every other version of Linux Sucks, from every year).  But, hey.  Gotta throw a bone to the YouTube die-hards every now and then, right?  😎

Also, this week, we got to spend time talking about both Microsoft Write running on an Atari ST... and Socialism.  So, all in all, I'd call it a good week.

The Videos

The Articles

Previous Few Weeks

Reminder: Check out The Lunduke Journal Link Central page for all the handy URLS.  Podcast RSS feeds, contact info, direct links to some of the big shows and articles and a bunch of other goodies.  And be sure to subscribe to The Lunduke Journal to help support the work... and make sure you don't miss out on anything.

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Funny Programming Pictures Part XLVI
Make fun of Kubernetes... or make fun of Docker? Why not both!


If they had someone with heart, they could become Captain Planet.


It's too big a risk.  Just shoot.


Is the C programming language in the room with us now?


I like this one because it is making fun of CSS.


Fools, I say!


To be fair, I was probably drunk when I coded that part.




Don't do it.  It's a trap!


Hoisted by thine own petard!


It's funny because it's terrifying.


"Lol!  What moron wrote... Oh."




After reading this comic strip, I need to curl up and have a good cry.


[Insert observation about the 1980s here.]


srand() is a lie.



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Lunduke Computer Operating System Status - June 28, 2024
"Baby Steps Towards Awesomeness"

Week number 2 of The Lunduke Computer Operating System is in the can!  It's exciting to see things quickly take shape -- both from a technical and organizational point of view.

Here's a quick look at some of what went on this week.

First Contributor Onboarding

The first handful of contributors have been onboarded this week -- with developer accounts on our GitLab project.  While we're sitll a couple days off from many tasks being opened up to the contributors, this was a key step.

Additional contributors will be setup over the next week as we get more portions of the project rolling.  If you've reached out to me to express your interest in being part of the project, you're on the list.  No need to check in with me just yet.

Logo Awesomeness

First, Don Thornton created an SVG version of the Lunduke Computer Operating System Logo.  Based on the bitmap one... but... you know... vector.  Which means we can do a lot more with it (and scale it to a much higher resolution.

Then Duncan rolled in and used his "Blender-fu" to create this awesome looking render.

Which... not gonna lie... I love it.

Build Environment and Scripting

Work continued this week on documenting the OS build environment, as well as preparing the early revision of the build script for initial publication.

At the current rate, the first version of both the documentation (which will live on the Wiki) and the script should be published in the next few days.

On that note: Another work item that needs to be tackled pretty quickly (ideally before the next week is out) is to document the workflow for submitting changes.  That way all contributors will know exactly how to submit their code contributions.  It's a small thing, but important.

The Forum

After a great deal of back and forth -- and investigating -- a decision has been reached on how to host the official Forum.  If all goes according to plan, that should be up and running this weekend.

We took a few extra days to make sure we got this right -- as this is where much of the official organizing and decision making for the project will occur.  We'll need to live with this decision for some time.

Once the forum is live, it will be linked to directly from

Past Status Reports

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