Day 1 of “Command Line Week” was fun! Could Day 2 possibly live up to it?!
Turns out… yessir, it can! And it did!
Join us over on for all the fun. If you don’t currently have access see here for a way to get Locals access on-the-cheap. The deal is good until I send out the Day 3 update tomorrow (Friday at Midnight, Eastern).
Here’s a quick run-down of some of the Command Line Shenanigans (tm) from Day 2 (with some fun pictures at the end):
MINIX! That has a command line!
sttr - Text transformations tool
Web browsing with Lynx… on DOS!
navi - Interactive command line cheat sheet
All keyboards needs Page Up / Page Down keys!
Autumn images rendered in the terminal (with timg)!
Using Docker to learn Linux commands and tldr — more ways to get help with Linux commands
Text only Debian! Huzzah!
GameShell - game for learning terminal commands
Running a Shell workspace on a VPS
Noooo! Terminal too small!!
The TUI apps JJKin uses regularly
How do I play Empire?!!?111
The first UNIX Shell: 1971’s Thompson Shell
Playing text mode games with the kiddos
And now I present to you… random (but awesome) pictures from Day 2!