Our last themed week (“DOS Week” — where we all spent a week playing with DOS) was an absolute blast.
And now our second themed week is about to begin… Command Line Week!
Here is a quick outline of the schedule of events (all times Eastern):
Wednesday, Oct 12 @ 8am — Command Line Week kickoff podcast
All Week — The Community posting all manner of Command Line goodies at Lunduke.Locals.com
Saturday, Oct 15 @ 11am — Video Hangout for Founding Members and Lifetime Subscribers
Saturday, Oct 15 @ 12pm — Text Chat for all subscribers over on Lunduke.Locals.com
Wednesday, Oct 19 @ 8am — Wrap-up podcast
Plus: Over the course of the week, I’ll be posting articles related to the Command Line (Linux Shells, etc.) on The Lunduke Journal — like the recent “The History of the First Computer Shell”.
How to Prepare for Command Line Week
What sort of command line you use during Command Line Week is entirely up to you! Linux, Mac, Windows, *BSD, Haiku… pick your OS and shell! Heck, if you want to run an older, text-only system… that’s cool too!
One of our Lunduke Journal Community Members (Gabe) has created a, most excellent, list of text interface software to help people get started. It contains all sorts of fantastic recommendations — all categorized — with handy links to help get them installed. Most of his recommendations run on Linux as well as macOS, Windows, and Free/OpenBSD.
Make sure you have a Lunduke.Locals.com account!
This is key to unlocking the full enjoyment of Command Line Week!
While Substack is absolutely amazing, Locals provides the community features we need to fully enjoy the awesomeness of something like this — including the ability for everyone to make top-level posts, live chats, and more. It simply is not possible entirely via Substack.
To make getting a Locals account easier for folks, I’m going to have a very specific sale… that is only available if you take advantage of it through Lunduke.Locals.com.
I know. I know. I said I wasn’t going to have any more sales this year. But I am so excited about Command Line Week — I don’t want anyone to miss out! Plus… I’m the boss. I can change my mind if I want to. ;)
How to take advantage of this deal
Repeat: This sale is only available if you create an account on Lunduke.Locals.com. The whole point is to bring more of you over to Locals to enjoy the good times! However, both of these options also come with full access on Substack as well! Best of both worlds!
Choose “Card” and “Annual”.
Enter the amount of the subscription you want (choose from the options below).
Lunduke will follow up with you to make sure you have full access to both Substack and Locals. (This usually only takes a couple hours.)
Founding Member Subscription - Cost:
$125 / Year$75 / YearBenefits: Everything from the Standard Subscription, plus:
A monthly video hangout with Lunduke & other Founding Members
Full access to both Lunduke.Locals.com and Lunduke.Substack.com
Founding Member Email Newsletter
Personalized Audio Messages
Lifetime Subscription -
Cost $350 (one time)$200 (one time)Benefits: Everything from the Founding Member Subscription:
For life… pay once, and and you get all of the perks… for as long as The Lunduke Journal exists. Which, considering Lunduke has been publishing articles and podcasts for over 15 years, is likely to be a good, long time.
I highly recommend the Lifetime Subscription. It is just such a good deal.
Note: This deal cannot be combined with the “Upgrade System of Awesomeness” (where you can apply your current subscription towards an upgraded one. It’s already too good of a deal. Stacking them would just be… insane. :)
See everyone during Command Line Week!
I am psyched. So much to share. So many things to try. And so very, very excited to see what all of you find, do, say, and recommend!
We all learned so much about DOS during “DOS Week”… I expect Command Line Week to be at least as awesome!