Hey everyone!
Got a few scheduling related bits of awesomeness to update all of you on.
The New Lunduke Journal Events Calendar
There is a brand new Lunduke Journal Events calendar, which you can find over at:
Or in the Locals app, there is now an Events tab at the bottom.
This will show you all of the upcoming special events here at The Lunduke Journal. The themed weeks (like the upcoming Command Line and Haiku OS weeks), and some of the next Video Hangouts.
Very handy. Especially considering the ever-growing number of events coming up.
New Weekly Text Chat - Every Saturday
We now have a regularly scheduled text chat — at Lunduke.Locals.com — every Saturday at 12pm (Noon) Eastern.
This text chat is available to everyone who has a full access account over at Lunduke.Locals.com. That includes anyone who is a Founding Member or Lifetime Subscriber… or who subscribes directly via Locals.
(Substack doesn’t have this type of live chat functionality, otherwise I would offer the same thing there. I’m currently looking into a way to make this work for both Locals and Substack subscribers in the future.)
Every Saturday. Noon Eastern. Lunduke.Locals.com.
October Video Hangouts
The Video Hangouts — for Founding Members and Lifetime Subscribers — has been scheduled for the first and third Friday of the month, at 2pm Eastern.
Friday, October 7 @ 2pm Eastern
Friday, October 21 @ 2pm Eastern
These are nice and casual. A chance for a bunch of us to hang out and chat about nerdy stuff for an hour. A relaxed (and nerdy) way to end the work week.
The link for these video hangouts will be sent out before each hangout (though it probably won’t change).
Here comes “Command Line Week”
Command Line Week kicks off on Wednesday, October 12th and runs through Wednesday, October 19th.
A full week, dedicated to the command line. Terminal. Shell. Text Interface. TUI. Whatever you want to call it.
I expect many people will focus on Linux terminal applications… but there’s no reason you can’t take an adventure on UNIX, Windows, Mac, Haiku, DOS, C64, or any other text-based interface you feel like exploring!
I’ll be posting some historical pieces, as well as some cool pieces of software to help get everyone’s creative juices flowing.
The fun will, just as with the previous “DOS Week”, mostly take place at Lunduke.Locals.com.