The first day of the “Live in DOS for a Week” challenge is drawing to a close, and here is a roundup of what folks in the community did today. Consider this your…
Daily DOS Digest (tm)!
(Alliteration rules.)
Note: Most of the action is happening over at That’s where we hangout and chat about all manner of nerdiness.
Note 2: If you don’t already have full access to, now is the time to fix that. There’s a sale going on right now… and one of the options is a Lifetime subscription to The Lunduke Journal (which includes full access over on Locals as well as Substack). Full access… for life. Save a ton of moolah and never pay another dime. Highly recommended.
In (roughly) chronological order, here are the #DOSWeek events of the day (with handy-dandy links to each):
We kicked off “DOS Week” with a podcast.
Greg posted a handy Linux shell script for creating floppy images (for use in VMs for DOS).
Playing Star Trek 25th Anniversary, the DOS version, on an iPhone.
At 10am we held a Founding Member Hangout video chat where we talked, among other things, about a bunch of DOS stuff.
DOS memories from Lee… who does not want to run DOS! ;)
Remembering the Stoned.Monkey virus.
Scott’s plans… involving Lotus 1-2-3 and Cosmo’s Cosmic Adventure.
EDITV - A solid (free) text editor.
Cutting pins on a VGA cable for a Tandy 2500 SX/33.
This afternoon we had a text chat over on where many tips and software recommendations were swapped.
Thinking about long lost floppies and Zip disks.
Calendar Creator Plus, Easy Way Desktop Publisher, & MS QBasic editor! Oh, my!
Getting DOS running on bare metal (an old Pentium).
Remembering Novell Netware. *shudder*
That’s just Day 1! Heck! That wasn’t even for a full 24 hours! We’ve got 6 days left!
And a little birdy tells me that there’s some really fun stuff that’ll be happening this week!
If you don’t have access over at yet, chop-chop. Just do the sale thing. That way you’re all set for whatever fun thing happens next too.
To wrap up, here are a smattering of some of my favorite pictures from Day 1 (all of these were posted to